Are my "mood swings" normal or something else?

Every once in a while, I will have these "mood swings." But it's more than just changing mood, I will have completely different reactions to emotions (sometimes I'm feeling violent anytime I experience any anger and sometimes I can very easily and calmly recognize anger and let it pass). It's like my worldview completely changes, including stuff like how I remember things, what I look like in the mirror, and what I like to do. They're recently becoming more severe and fast swinging, as well as giving me headaches. I don't know if this is something I need help with or if I'm just overreacting.

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25% Normal
Based on 4 votes (1 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Tommythecaty

    You have all that and you ask about it here?

    Go to a doctor.

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    • m3s5t8

      I'm afraid I'll just waste time and money there

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    What you describe is normal but a difficult way to live. Therapy may help you understand the triggers and smooth out your moods. You have to accept it though.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    I think that is normal, as long as you don't hurt any living things (including yourself) with ragr punches. Therapy is not weak!

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  • Tinybird

    I don't get how your mood can cause headaches. That's concerning.

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  • kikilizzo

    I can relate to that but for me it's my anxiety disorder. Intense mood swings can also be BPD, but for that the requirements are many more than just mood swings. Depression can also cause negative mood swings.

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  • Millie_the_evil_saint

    There might be something physical that is causing the issues. Maybe you have some physical health problem and it's showing through in this way. Don't immediately assume the problem must be mental health related. Mental health problems sometimes can be symptoms of more severe underlying physical health issues: such as malfunction of some internal organs or even cancer. I don't want to scare you, but really consider seeing a physiologist about your headaches.

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    • m3s5t8

      Thanks, I'll try to look into it, I'm just afraid of nothing being wrong and going to the doctor is just a waste of time and money

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