Are 13 year old girls smarter than guys?

ive noticed that 13-14 y/o females are always much more perceptive than 13-14 y/o dudes, who are usually dumb monkeys

it evens out when you get to 15-16 y/o, and once you reach adulthood people obviously mature (hopefully)

ive noticed this in school too, i think back when i was 13-14 girls always seemed smarter than us guys

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Comments ( 22 )
  • olderdude-xx

    It often seems that way at times, and other times not so much.

    The reality is that some 13 year old girls are smarter than some older boys; and some 13 year old boys are smarter than some older girls. Not just in intellectual brains - but also social intelligence (intellectual intelligence is separate from social intelligence, and people usually get paid based on social intelligence).

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    • Somenormie

      On first thought I agree Mr. Olderdude.

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  • LondonGoldman

    Maybe its a hormone thing. Your testosterone levels are througu the roof at that age. High testosterone causes impulisve behavior

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    • I think that's the symptom of the real difference; girls learn at a young age they can give birth to a baby like they still kinda are. They understand what their bodies are for and start to build their reality on that

      That's why a lot of young girls fantasize about a dream wedding and why Disney princess movies are popular

      Guys may know some facts about the birds and the bees, but until they cognitively develop some more there's not much for them to really work with

      Like, a woman's body goes through some serious physical changes and they can see that in their mom and other women

      A 10 year old boy seeing a strange woman 5 months pregnant will probably just think she's heavy

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      • SwickDinging

        I remember taking my daughter swimming when I was 8 months pregnant. There were 2 boys who looked about 9 or 10, and they stared at my body in visible shock and confusion as I emerged from the water, with a seemingly normal slim frame, and a giant beach ball belly.

        It occurred to me at that moment that they probably didn't understand that I was pregnant. I can't help but think a girl at that age would have immediately recognised it. My daughter was only 5 at the time and was already at the stage where she would tell me whenever she saw a "lady with a baby in her belly".

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  • Somenormie

    Depends on their upbringing. Also we need to stop using the excuse of " Girls mature faster than boys. " because we know that is predominantly flawed, the development of people knowing things gradually come like you've said because of age, I don't think dudes are quote-on-quote dumb monkeys. Of course mature comes with time but obviously with a tiny hint of immaturity.

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    • Yeah my point was just anecdotal, and i was exaggerating with "dumb monkeys". just wondering what others have observed

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  • Bazinga

    As a 13-14 year old boy, I was reading college chemistry books trying to figure out how rocket scientists made precision warheads to keep evil dictators in check. The girls thought I was a completely disgusting waste of oxygen.

    The point is that perceptions are developing along with emotions at that age. Neither the girl's perceptions, nor the boy's perceptions, nor the perceptions of evil dictators can be trusted.

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  • ellnell

    I dont know man when I was 13 all I did was obsess over male singers and write angry stuff in my diary, the other girls played mindgames and obsessed over clothing brands. Maybe thats smart though

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  • bubsy

    Of course 13-14 year old girls are going to be more socially aware than guys are. Just from an evolutionary standpoint: validation from others (the rest of the clan) becomes paramount for them at that age and this continues well into their 20s.

    The masculine mind is naturally focused on things moreso than people, not to mention at 13-14 boys aren't seriously considering romance. There's no such thing as a "male period". There's no biological signalling that they're ready to reproduce yet.

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  • BleedingPain

    Girls intelligent monke, boys dumb monke

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  • Meatballsandwich

    Yes you're right. The average 13 year old girl is significantly more mature than your average 13 year old boy, and I think it has to do with the fact that girls reach puberty earlier.

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  • megadriver

    I think they are more mature...

    Back when I was in school, I remember we (the boys) would just fight over nothing. Testosterone levels going through the roof, we'd just look for trouble.
    I like to think I was more calm and above this, as I spent a lot of my school time drawing stuff, but when some other kid would jump up on a desk and shout "I'm the king, bow to me!", or something similar, everyone would jump the "king" and try to climb up on that desk.
    Also we were the only ones snickering in biology classes, whenever the teacher mentioned reproductive organs, or the anus.

    While the girls never did any of this. They just gossiped, talked about girl stuff, drooled over older students from other classes, or did their makeup...

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  • You're comparing a group of people that have their educational needs catered to more than the other. When people try to say "girls are smarter than boys!" at a young age I tend to eye roll because if boys were in an education system that taught students based on how boys best learn over how girls best learn then we'd see the same trend just reversed.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Errr there’s no difference between them.

    Due to almost everyone having poo brain until adulthood.

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  • a-curious-bunny

    We had one girl in my class who was insanly smart. She could do anything the teacher threw her way and make it look easy to boot.

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  • bigbudchonga

    Girls score higher in agreeableness generally, which is very good for things like fitting in with a system of learning. I know that girls my age (24) actually outperform men in job wealth. In short, on average, they pay more attention and they comply more to the system of learning.

    As far as straight IQ goes it's around the same, but guys have more geniuses as well as more complete morons. I went to a very good grammar school (UK version), which you had to take the equivalent of an IQ test to get into. Even in that school I remember that all the ones who proper fucked up their exams were guys. It's kind of a mixed bag, but certainly don't underestimate how good high agreeableness is in progressing through the system and learning.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    for every dumb monkey theres a self absorbed cunt larpin as a 22 year old

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    • twatfeatures

      ...Are you trying to tell us that you got catfished by an underaged girl? 🤨

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        no im sayin there was always some twat in jr high ruinin everyones fun by stickin her hand on her hip and lecturin us on how immature we were

        and im like no shit were 11 not 22

        also the dudes they considered mature were boring doormats

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        • twatfeatures

          Oh ok, wew. I don’t recall them bitchs but then again I don’t recall much of anything from jr high.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    They generally start puberty earlier and thus look older and are treated as though they are older than the boys.

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