Any good civil war movies?

I watched gettysburg which seemed to be pretty historically accurate which was nice. It wasnt some high budget Hollywood movie because they refused to make it pointlessly dramatical. Im about to watch Grant also.

I'm kind of surprised there is not more movies of the war because its such a crazy story.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Tommythecaty

    Gettysburg is the only one I’ve seen.

    The good, the bad and the ugly is set during from memory. But obviously not focused on it in the way you’d be after.

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    • Gettysburg is a really good one its very historically accurate. I wish they had a movie of the battle of Franklin TN. That was arguably the most epic battle of the war. Gettysburg was abunch if small battles but Franklin was both sides going at it the whole time. Was the last chance to take back critical supply routes for the south to extend the war. The biggest mistake is the south had them cornered and waited to strike until the north was able to dig in.

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      • Tommythecaty

        I don’t know the history of that war well enough to know how accurate it is. I do remember it being a pretty good film though.

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        • I kept laughing at the fake beards they wore. It looked really cheesy but it was good.

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          • Tommythecaty

            Well they ain’t got time to all grow those things like that lol.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    glory -1989

    spoiler alert: the yankees win the war

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  • litelander8

    Dances with Wolves.

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