An old is it normal post

I'll be frank with this. I went back and looked at my old account. One that was from nearly 9 years ago. I took a quick browse through the post and is it normal was a much different time.

The one and only post I made on that account had nearly 500 votes. There were names there such as DirtyBirdy that I have very vivid memories of. (Hi, Dirty! If you happen to see this. I know you check in occasionally.) Rose had actually commented on that particular post.

At the current level of usage, is it normal is on crutches. Only dozen or so of us are regular users. It's to the point where it's fairly easy to recognize who is posting what. The website isn't exactly healthy.

How much longer do you think the site truly has? Even more so; do you have a backup site if it ever does inevitably shut down?

Help us keep this site organized and clean. Thanks!
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Comments ( 14 )
  • Billy247newaccount_35467829

    Is it normal was weird back then. There were a lot of posts talking about incest, how they fuck their pets/wanting to fuck their pets, and other weird topics.

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    It's funny you should mention it. I was just thinking about what ever happened to some of the regulars whose names I've since forgotten but I remember their personalities.

    I remember a really sweet girl from Scotland who raised cows. She was like everyone's little sister.

    Then their was a guy who always talked about his man-boobs.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    I don't have a back up site 😣 I really hope this site doesn't die

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  • darefu

    That's back when I was following but not commenting. A lot more sexual back then.

    Fun reminiscing!

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  • RoseIsabella

    Post a link to it. 😊

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  • bigbudchonger

    The mods keeps banning funny trolls which doesn't help. The trolls keep the site at least alive when there's no one else on it. Also if you get shadow banned then there is basically no point in posting because it appears so far down in the search.

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  • MonkThousandWords


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    • PurpleHoneycomb

      Personally, I'm already on Reddit. I have no qualms against it. I know several users of this site have a dislike for it, however. (Their reasons are justified and understandable.)

      Several people here seem to avoid social media altogether and this was a post intended to see if there were...less known options.

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  • kelili

    The good old time. I remember how it was so enjoyable to be here everyday.
    Now, I come occasionally.

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  • bbrown95

    I'm hoping this site won't go away any time soon. I've only been here about 6-ish years, and only regularly active for about 2 or so, so I can't speak as to what the site was like before then, but I really like the fact that this is a smaller community.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    I actually would have a mini heart attack if this site goes down. Post any link to a backup or the plan lol we need to know where to go!

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    • bbrown95

      Same! This place is such a breath of fresh air compared to other sites in the fact that it's a small community (which I personally like), it's one of the few good advice/question asking sites left, and it isn't trying to imitate Facebook/Snapchat/whatever other trendy social media site!

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  • Somenormie

    I imagine after that time frame half of the users you might know may have already left the site.

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  • Elroy7141

    This site needs more sexual content to make it more fun lol.

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