Am i tough or are they lazy?

I see overweight unemployed people and I just cant understand how they can not just get it together. I'm starting to think maybe I am just tougher than other people. I dont understand why people cant just get a job, they're everywhere. Losing weight is quite easy. You just eat less. I hear so many people make excuses when if they just got off their ass its actually not that hard.

I dont think I'm so special but I can easily work long hours if I need to. I go to the gym after work. If I'm gaining weight I'll just eat less. Things really arent that difficult. You just have to fucking do them. Everyone wants to tell you why they cant just be a normal productive human and do normal things like stay fit and work a job. Why is everyone so lazy? Or am I just somehow super tough? Because these things are not even hard.

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Comments ( 18 )
  • Rumpelforeskin

    If your brain gets used to it laziness can become a very hard cycle to break

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    I've done a bit of research into why some people are unemployed in the past, and the reason changes from person to person. It even changes regionally.

    The biggest perpetrator by far is the individual isn't presenting their resume very well. A shitty resume only takes you so far. It's also fairly common for employers to prefer hiring individuals based on their appearance. Not even necessarily race or sex. Sometimes it's as simple as whether or not you look clean/organized. (This is why many homeless people struggle to land a job.)

    The other culprit that I often see is that a person is limited by the jobs around them. Imagine that for whatever reason, bo one in your family taught you how to drive and you live in a small town. This drastically decreases your odds of finding a job you're good at. As we all know, it you're bad at a job you'll eventually get fired.

    Then of course there are the people who genuinely can't handle the stress (either physical stress or mental stress) of a job. However, this it is incredibly rare that this is a legitimate excuse. For instance, before I lost my leg I had a job in secretarial work even though I suffer from SAD. People just need to find a job that suites them better. (IE: Stop trying to work in the food service industry if you can't handle the stress.)

    The last and most obvious issue many people have is that they are lazy. Even this is a ridiculous excuse if you live in a major US city. Not all jobs require physical effort.

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    • But then you see all thewe companies with their now hiring signs and the starting wages are actually pretty dang good now. I think the vast majority of the time around 90% of the time it comes down to laziness. I feel I could put myself in any of their positions and work my way out of it pretty easily. Their problems arent that difficult.

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      • PurpleHoneycomb

        Like I said. Alot of it is either mental or location based. Mental fortitude isn't something you can just "learn", so there's always that. There's a decent chunk of laziness in the world though.

        Like, if you live in Albuquerque or Denver and can't find a job that's on you. I would personally refuse to work in the restaurant business, but that still leaves dozens of other types of work. Even without training.

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        • But this theory is assuming that people can not move. You can move. I moved for work as well I lived in a similar area without work.

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          • PurpleHoneycomb

            Oh, don't get me wrong. I moved as well. I moved across the country at age 18 to get away from my family. I know a lot of people aren't able to drive though, and the US has fuck all for public transportation. (Some people are never taught be their parents.)

            I'm not sure what the aversion to moving is caused by. I know that there was a post on IIN where a user was trying to find a way to survive alone in New York City on a wage that would have made it impossible to do so. I, and many others, suggested that they move. They declined the advice.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Most people I know who are fat, unemployed, and can't do housework usually will say it's anxiety, depression, autism or some other mental illness. I don't believe mental illness is fake, but with the amount of people I've witnessed, I'm questioning whether or not mental illness is a legit reason to expect everyone else to make up for their financial slack.

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    • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

      If someone's claiming they're lazy, obese, unemployed &/or not independent because of autism they're full of shit & just looking for an excuse.
      I'm autistic as all hell and I:

      Am a 3 time gold 1 time silver medalist in submission wrestling.
      Blue belt in both judo & jiu-jitsu.
      Can do 100 sit-ups & weightless squats within a 5 minute time frame.
      100 push-ups within a 10 minute time frame.
      200 calf raises in one set.
      Can bench 390 & Curl 180.
      Went from a 310lb lard ass to a 270lb somewhat muscular man child.
      Regularly wash & bathe myself.
      Cut my own hair.
      Had my first job as a teenager.
      Have never been fired.
      Been driving since I was 19.
      Lived on my own for a few years until my old job laid me off.
      Do house & yard work.
      Help pay my grandmother's bills.

      Unless they're the low functioning autistics who rock back & forth, bang their heads against walls & shit themselves. There's no reason not to be a functional adult as an autistic.

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        I WISH some of these people actually did something with their lives like you have.

        None of them bang their head against the wall or shit themselves. Most of them are college educated and well spoken. They just spend their entire day watching YouTube, doing drugs, playing video games, watching Netflix, and doing other hobbies all day while looking down on people who work because people who work are apparently slaves to the system. XD

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        • And dont forget talking to others on twitter about how they're oppressed.

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    • bbrown95

      Agreed. While debilitating mental illness definitely exists, I think there are a lot of people who take advantage of that and use it as a crutch/excuse for others to take care of them. I've known multiple people like this, and IMO, staying home all day without a job only made their mental conditions worse. The saying "an idle mind is the devil's workshop" is true; letting your mind wander too much only lets in bad thoughts in. This happens for me even if I have to stay home for a couple of days from being sick.

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    • I also feel like I have mental illness as well but I dont use it as an excuse. Just because you have anxiety doesnt mean you cant go jogging or do pushups. Being fat destroys their credibility.

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        Agreed. I find it weird when some of them would come crying to me wondering why they're single. Unemployed, overweight, and unable to do basic house chores are not desirable traits. They seem to expect some sort of moneymaker that will be happy to buy them stuff while also doing all the housework. It's so unrealistic it hurts my brain just to think about. XD

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  • Tommythecaty

    I know some pretty tough fat people.

    I don’t think it’s mutually exclusive 🤣

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  • Bassmachine

    Apparently jerking off to anime and playing video games/Twitch is a full time job now.

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    • bbrown95

      I've noticed a few people I know doing Twitch, selling nude pictures and videos, MLMs, and even becoming Instagram influencers as their only jobs. In each case, they preach about how much better off they're doing than everyone else and how the rest of us are "slaves to 9-to-5's/corporations/etc.", but ALL of them are being supported by someone else (I even know a 50-year-old Twitch streamer who still lives with his parents). The same people tend to be the first to complain about the product shortages caused by staff shortages as well, ironically.

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  • Meowypowers

    These are two different questions, but there is a huge overlap. The most obese people are the poorest in the most well off countries.

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  • Holzman_67

    It’s getting out there and challenging the unknown. Anxiety is at epidemic levels in modern day society.

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