Am i a breed snob?

Mom told me I am the other day. I told her that I think only dogs who are being bred for a specific purpose should be bred. She thinks that any dog that is cute can be bred, but I told her that's not good because then the dog would have no real purpose other than being a cute pet, and could develop serious health or behavioral problems due to bad genetics.

I'm planning on breeding my Rottsky (yes, I know its better to only breed purebreds, but this is one mixed breed I do believe can be used for multiple purposes and still be efficient. Ive been testing her and she does very well in guarding, pulling heavy loads, and killing rats and mice (I didn't even have to test her on this, she just started killing them on her own) ), but mom doesn't seem to understand why I'm being so picky about the stud or why I would want to vaccinate the pups. I know theres some breeders who leave vaccination up to the owners, but we have so many raccoons and skunks (carriers of parvo and distemper) in our area that it makes me very nervous to do that. I have my own job and I'm willing to use my own money to get them all their vaccines and checkups, but mom says its a waste of money.

I asked a while ago if she would let me use some of my money to get our dog health tested before we breed her. She said no.

Im just frustrated because she doesnt seem to understand the first thing about being responsible when breeding dogs (from talking to actual breeders and the research ive been doing on it), and shes been calling me "opionated" and "snobby" for how i view breeding mutts and how "anal" im being about genetics. I want her on the same page as me, but she doesnt seem to care enough to be on the same page.

Shes basically expecting people to pay $500 for a dog that has the same worth (moneywise) as a random shelter mutt. Meanwhile im looking for ways to breed a better dog and make them actually worth that much, and not run the risk of them dying from kidney failure at 9 years old (this happened to my last dog).

I'm just kinda frustrated with her right now. Its people like her that pump out unhealthy, badly behaved dogs into the world that end up getting euthanized at shelters. I just wish she would realize how important genes and planning are.

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Comments ( 10 )
  • MangoTango

    I go for mutts. They've got completely natural genetics. It's unusual. It's more interesting. It's a natural wildcard. Breeds originated from mutts. Breeds are just an artificially selected creation. It might go right, or wrong depending on the human decision involved.

    At least you're conscientious about what you intend on creating. I don't like it when people breed dogs purely for aesthetic reasons like to be "cute". All you have to do is look at the poor English Bulldog or Pug so see that error. Those poor dogs can't breathe. They're freaks of nature with health issues that are cruel. Yet, there's some beautiful sporting breeds that are athletic marvels. I'm like if you're going to cultivate a breed, at least create something that will highly likely have good health, and a long life.

    Maybe you are a breed "snob" if snob means that you're particular and fond of the traits you admire in a particular dog. That's pretty much the basis of why people cultivate a breed. Of course, then there's the irresponsible idiots that carelessly start the puppy mills and such. Oooooh, I hope not! You seem to have a clue in that you seek to improve your education and you're particular, but you ought to rethink your misguided opinion about mutts. There's plenty of awesome mutts out there! I'm not just saying that. If there's an intended purpose you want for a dog, you can easily select a mutt by assessing behavior for traits you seek. Again, that's how purebreds got here in the first place.

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    • NeurotickleMePink

      THIS ^^^^

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      • I agree.

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  • JustMolly

    Pure breeds genuinely have more health risks than a mutt. This is due to pure breeds literally being inbred, often from the same gene pool, over and over until the desired breed has been created to satisfaction. Genetic disorders are significantly greater in purebred dogs. Something to consider.

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  • NeurotickleMePink

    Someone such as yourself would most likely take being called a breed snob as a compliment. You think you are superior and important, and literally weaving your identity into "your breed",...because YOU feel like for some reason you are better at this or deserve to do this more than anyone else? Either way....YA BASIC.

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    • I don’t take it as a compliment. I take offense to it actually. And I don’t have a particular breed. My dog is mixed. And I’m simply looking for another dog with the same traits as her so they’ll all have a working purpose. Breed really isn’t important to me so long as the dog is bred responsibly.

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      • NeurotickleMePink

        You're contradicting yourself...what is, responsible breeding? There is no such thing.

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        • Breeding dogs that can be used for a purpose and will stay in loving homes due to their predictability. Most of the dogs in shelters are there because of irresponsible owners and breeders. If a dog is not healthy or does not have the right temperament, it shouldn’t be bred.
          Responsible breeders often do things such as health checks and DNA tests to ensure they aren’t passing on any genetic diseases into their dogs.

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  • NeurotickleMePink

    Why are you breeding your dog in the first place? You do know how overpopulated domesticated dogs are, correct? I don't care if you're a breed snob (you sound more like a status obsessed control freak to me), or just forgot to fix your precious little "creation" and it got out and humped the neighbor's mutt. It's irresponsible and, more so, entitled of you to think YOU deserve to become a "breeder" at all,and even worse that at the same time you're belittling your mom for not caring about breeds. If anyone is correct (neither of you are), it's your mom. You're telling me you actually live a life where if you did not have your specific "breed creation" to help you out and to do the "jobs" you trained it to do, those tasks couldn't be completed? Like the mice....really? You NEED to breed dogs so they catch mice? like watching YOUR creation and getting a dopamine boost each time it performs for you, because you credit yourself with npt only its training, but its life as a whole. I am guessing if you have kids you are the same way with them. You sound like you have a need to live vicariously through things, and your control issues are so great you take it even a step further. It's irresponsible as a human being on this earth to continue to add to an already overpopulated species. Ever heard of a carrying capacity?? Also, breeding specific breeds of dogs together to create certain traits will ALWAYS eventually create genetic mutations. You do understand that:
    -the more breed variations a dog has in its genetic makeup = less genetic mutations which means the dog has better genes than a purebred anything. Do you think dogs began as different breeds and they all just stuck to their kind? "Mutts" are dogs. What you're creating is an inbred (all breed specific breeding is in some way, inbreeding...) genetically subpar, "dog", that has certain neurotic traits it will display, BECAUSE it came from 2 dogs w/the same traits, who came from 2 dogs with the same traits....etc. etc. Nature, and natural evolution calls this phenomenon, "survival of the fittest", because the more genes you mix, the more resistant you become to know's literally laid out in a f*cking Wikipedia page. Here:

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    • Lol, “If you have kids” I am a kid. The fact I was talking about my mom should tell you that.

      And I’m sorry breeding dogs offends you so much, but it’s not going to stop. And genetics do play a major role. That’s why purebreds generally make better working dogs (generally not always). If you think some random dogs from the shelter can do all the jobs of purebreds, you’re exactly the reason people are breeding more. Certain dogs have been bred to do specific things for hundreds of years, it’s simply in their DNA. You don’t need to train a husky too pull, a terrier to kill rats, a border collie to herd, or a Rottweiler to protect. It’s just something that’s already inside them that they lean towards.
      You can’t trust that kind of predictability to be present in a randomly bred shelter dog. Mutts can be bred together on purpose if done right (this is where all purebreds originally came from anyway) and produce dogs with multiple purposes, but you’ll never get a reliable working dog out of a pitbull poodle lab mix.

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