Alcohol making me sick

For some reason when I do not drink alcohol for an extended period when I do drink I get very sick. This goes away if I continue to drink daily. But if I do not drink for say 2-8 weeks when I dp I will feel like I'm getting a hangover as I'm drinking.

Last night I drank 6 shots of whiskey and was throwing up and had to take sedatives to go to sleep.

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Comments ( 13 )
  • MonteMetcalfe

    Sedatives plus alcohol are a bad mix as in you might not wake up.

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    • Excellent answer.

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      • You can mix sedatives and alcohol safely and also sedatives with sedatives. Whats far more dangerous is opiates with benzos. However anesthesiologists do it when they put someone under. Its all about the dosing. It can safely be done.

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          • "Both alcohol and sedatives function in the brain and body as central nervous system depressant substances." Mixing opiates and benzos (both nervous system depressants also) is far more dangerous than mixing alcohol and sedatives. However as I said anesthesiologists give both opiates and benzos in low doses to people they put under. Because yes while it is dangerous it is safe in the right dosage.

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            • MonteMetcalfe

              The problem is that the alcohol and sedatives aren't being administered by a doctor and under their supervision. You're relying on your own judgement after you've already had a few as to how much you need. That's where people run into trouble. It's a gamble.

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  • litelander8

    Durp. If you have a tolerance, you don’t get sick….

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    • No shit but many people can go weeks without drinking and do not get sick

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    Did you drink them in quick succession? Or were the shots spaced out? I'm sure you spaced them out though, you seem to be intelligent. I'm not to sure why that happens, maybe have a beer, or two every day/couple of day's?

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