A question for atheists

Atheists say they need evidence to believe in God. However, if evidence was actually provided, wouldn't it then be knowledge instead of belief?

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66% Normal
Based on 29 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 33 )
  • cats5e

    Depends on your definition. It's a matter of philosophy, but knowledge is often defined as "justified true belief." By that definition, knowledge is a form of belief. You can believe something because it's been proven true.

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  • McBean


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  • Hello_Me_Again

    There is no amount of evidence that has happened to other people that could change my viewpoint. It would have to be a personal experience, and because people say I reject the theory so that experience will never come, so I will never know god. I think that doesn't make a lick of sense but I am happy with what I don't believe.

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  • TheBlindInquisitor

    its this simple if I don't have any evidence I just cant bring myself to follow it.

    some people just aren't wired to go on blind faith I use to be super religious but after awhile it got hard lying to myself.

    if you believe in god that's you and nobody can change that.

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  • EnglishLad

    Anything which has concrete evidence for its existence is worth believing in.

    Anything which does not have concrete evidence for its existence is not worth believing in.

    The Bible isn't concrete evidence for the existence of God. The Bible is a book. If you think the Bible is concrete evidence for the existence of God, then by the same logic, you must think that the Beatrix Potter books are concrete evidence for the existence of Mrs. Tiggywinkle.

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  • Batanu

    You basically said it in the question. Atheists need evidence to have knowledge, and they have no belief in things they don't have knowledge of.

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  • people-are-strange

    If proper, credible, repeatable, and scientific evidence was discovered that proved the existence of a single or multiple higher powers, then yes, it would be considered knowledge. But so far, nothing even close to that has ever been provided, therefor, there is not any sort of higher power.

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  • Necron

    I'd believe if it was actual undeniable evidence and not more of that "look around you" or "This book that was written by god through mortal hands says god exists, therefore he does" horse crap. And a previous commenter said it best "Knowledge is informed, justified belief" so in the end your question really doesn't matter. No offense meant, of course.

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  • Alfie_sco

    I would believe it but I wouldn’t care, as if I discovered there was a god tomorrow nothing would have changed as there would have always been a god

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  • EchoMaster

    I'm an Atheist. I hope I'm right because if not I'm screwed. And if the Jehova's Witnesses fuckers are right I'm double screwed. I think they have all kinds of bad shit happening to me.

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    • RoseIsabella

      The Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult.

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  • xxLucifer

    Knowledge is not necessarily defined as a fact though and doesn't have to be proven true. Knowledge is defined as "facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education." You can have knowledge of something, but the knowledge could be wrong due to bad teaching or personal experiences that the individual misinterprets. Think of people who think that the earth is flat or believe that vaccines are bad. They have knowledge of something that isn't substantiated by anything meaningful. That being said a person who believes in god may have the knowledge of a higher power actually existing, but generally religions are based on faith and not substantial evidence and as an atheist that doesn't do anything to convince me that a higher power exists.

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  • jack_shephard

    And your point is?

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  • isitnotmal

    There is no way to 100% prove anything. You still have to make a choice whether you want to believe it or not. It's just more rational to believe in things with evidence behind them.

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  • pinkcookie26

    I mean what I don’t understand is most atheist
    Believed in Santa
    Believed in the tooth fairy
    Believed in (supernaturals, not saying I don’t believe in some ) ghost, aliens, monsters
    And some still believe in the previous mentioned one
    So it confuses me a lot

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    • TAPblock

      But then they grew up and realized Santa was made up, and so is God. I don't get your point; you think Atheists still believe in the tooth fairy?

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      • pinkcookie26

        I’m not saying they still believe that
        But many believe in the supernatural for some reason like aliens, ghosts, monsters

        And some still believe in Santa, not speaking for all. But I’ve met one to five
        And you forget not everyone ‘fully’ grows up

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        • people-are-strange

          I'd like to see your sources on that, but until that time though, I'd like to call out that you are clearly building straw men.

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          • pinkcookie26

            I think you're just being close minded, denying that there are people out there like that. I mean some grown men still wear nappies and hire mommies
            But yes there are some atheists who still believe in the supernatural, or agonists (they might be confused)

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    • RoseIsabella

      I always knew that Santa Claus was my Mom, and Dad!

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    • Plutoqueen123

      That is not true. Actually most atheists don’t believe in Santa or the Tooth fairy. But we know well not to fuck with demons.

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      • pinkcookie26

        I’m talking about as a child
        And well here that’s actually true for many atheists here in my region/country. They believe in that young and still as they age and enjoy it
        Especially the emo, goth, and ones who like ‘dark things’

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    god has nothin to do with religion

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    • EchoMaster

      Your comment makes me think you've been eating too much stuff off the sidewalk.

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      • EnglishLad

        LOL turn down for what!!!!!!

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        think harder then

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        • RoseIsabella

          I get it!

          God is God, and exists regardless, whereas religion can be seen as a a man made institution.

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          • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

            indeed that is my thinkin

            has this comment been weighin on yalls mind for months?

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    • Alichael

      That's right, because God is real but religion isn't.

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      • RoseIsabella

        They're both real, one is man made, and the other has always existed, and it's the one that made the universe.

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