"if" a election was rigged

Im not interested in your argument whether it was or was not. Its all I've heard the past 48 hours. Lets just be hypothetical and give your opinion on if a election was rigged (doesnt matter if you believe this one was or not we are being hypothetical) what would you want done about it? What action would you like to see taken?

Again this is IF one was, and they went through the legal process but still the one who rigged it won. What would you want to happen in your country?

Once again dont mention democrats or republicans or Trump for this. Im tired of this discussion. If you have to mention democrats or republicans just dont post

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Comments ( 16 )
  • Bazinga

    Where are your poll options?

    A poll is needed to focus the discussion here. For example, choose one:

    a) South American style military coup.
    b) Espionage operatives silence dissenters, and control damage.
    c) Scape goats punished as perpetrators.
    d) Legal action drawn out over a one year time frame with no conclusion.
    e) Results dismissed as FAKE NEWS.
    f) Everyone paid off to be silent.

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    • LloydAsher

      Probably going to be C and that will trigger a real civil war under the guise of unification. When you start to prosecute the heavily armed populace shit starts to go very bad.

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      • Bazinga

        That's why I included option D. Both sides hope for the best, but neither side gets anything.

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  • Tommythecaty

    No major election hasn’t been tampered with, to think otherwise is beyond naive.

    There’s no reason it wouldn’t be done. If they can cheat, they will, simple.

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    • LloydAsher

      Doesnt look good for democrats though. Making damn sure that there was zero witnesses to watch vote counters and blatantly denying the exsistance of it (dispite it would mean the Biden beat obama in votes)

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      • S0UNDS_WEIRD

        They have the House, Senate, presidency, and Trump is being impeached preventing him from running again. Looks pretty good.

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      • Tommythecaty

        Yeah it doesn’t look good. I mean the democrats won by numbers regardless, but they still tampered.

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        • LloydAsher

          And now they are going hard against conservatives. Amazon is removing parlor (conservative twitter) for the same shit you will see on Twitter (the occasional death threat)

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          • Tommythecaty

            *Pulls out NWO conspiracy book on the bus.

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  • howaminotmyself

    If it was rigged...meanwhile, the truth does not matter because the enemies are thrilled that the US is showing weakness. Truth is a non issue, perception is key. Enemies perceive weakness and will certainly take advantage.

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    • Its a hypothetic "IF" an election WAS rigged what would you like to happen. What would you want the people to do.

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      • howaminotmyself

        What I want to happen is irrelevant. These things are not determined by the individual but by group behavior. This is a leading question. If you want a real answer, then ask a less manipulative question.

        For example:

        How would you expect a society or group of people to behave when faced with political confusion?

        You get your answer by studying history, not by taking a quasi hypothetical approach.

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  • I think I know what your angle is here. If it was 100% rigged would the people be justified in doing what they did at Capitol Hill, right? The answer is 100% yes and then some.

    I feel like what happened in Capitol Hill was a foolish move "at the time" but with the evidence of voter irregularities, if not blatant fraud mixed with the fact that the Democrats were doing everything they can to prevent these types of irregularities from being investigated to confirm if Biden winning was legitimate, it became obvious that the Dems were not willing to play ball the peaceful way.

    So the question becomes, "If government is taking away your rights do those citizens have the right to take up arms against the government?" and the answer is yes.

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    • "I dont know what your angle is" Jesus christ did you not even read what the post says? Im not interested in talking about this current election or any of the drama or dems or repubs. Ita hypothetical. I dont care about your political opinions on this current election.

      If you wanna talk about this election do it elsewhere. That debate has gone on for a month. Read the post.

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      • Dude, you're posting about the topic of a rigged election at a time where massive escalations are taking place due to that very subject, ofcourse I'm going to assume it's linked and even if it wasn't that's why I answered in the last bit that if the government is taking away someone's right to elect a leader fairly then they can take up arms against that government.

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        • It literally says "IF" and to forget this current election happened.

          Again, IF an election WAS rigged what would you want the people to do or react. Again IF


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