30 year crisis

I hate being 30. Got a good job, apartment, car, you name it. I still hate being 30 though.

My parents and relatives keep asking me: have you found someone? When I say no, they keep nagging me to find someone, as if it were that easy.

Being 30 sucks

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Comments ( 17 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    You'll find someone eventually

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    • LloydAsher

      Yeah he seems like a good catch to recently divorced women who think they will never find a decent guy ever. Boom this guy coming in with a save.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        By 30 most of the good women have been taken already so its harder to find

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    The average person today doesn't even have their life together at 30 so ignore their ignorant comments

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  • RoseIsabella

    I went through my first divorce at 32, and it was hell.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Most people have been asked what they want to do all of their lives. A problem with this is twofold:

    1) They are rarely told all the major options of things to do (The School System exist to teach you to get a job).

    2) Very few jobs in the world allow people to live the life and have the retirement they desire. So they cut their dreams down to the size of their income.

    It's possible for many to expand their income if they know what they actually want to do in life.

    The key question very few people have been asked is: How do you want to live your life and your future retirement.

    Once you really define that... they you can look for the income options that will provide your desired lifestyle.

    So, I would not be too worried about not knowing what you want to do at 30. Very few people are really happy with what they are doing.

    Start thinking about how you want to live your life and what you wish to accomplish. It's the dreamers who build the future of our country.

    I wish you the best with this,

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  • bbrown95

    I'm not sure why it's a thing for people to nag each other about "finding someone", that's so weird. It happens at different times for everyone and is definitely not a race, nor is it other people's business to pressure anyone about it!

    If finding someone is what you're worried about, don't worry, as some of the happiest and healthiest marriages and relationships I know of are between people who met or began dating after 30. Like I said, it is not a race and happens at different times for different people. It does not mean anything is wrong with you if it hasn't happened for you yet.

    As someone who is creeping closer to 30, it's definitely a weird feeling just because the time has gone by so fast, but I think almost any age is mostly what you make it!

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  • bigbudchonger

    Sounds like you've got a good life, dude. Dw about it.

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  • litelander8

    How awful.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    tfb deal with it

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  • FullyAutomatedGaySpaceCommunism

    Don't listen to them. If it matters to them that you're married at 30. Then they're just assholes. You and you alone are in control of your life.

    Maybe you're asexual and have no sexual or romantic desires

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  • dirtybirdy

    Ahhh, it's all good. Theres a lot more to life than relationships, and I hate when people push it. This isn't back in the day when people were expected to be married and have kids by a certain age.

    But just sayin, I hated turning 30 but I was totally fine with 40. You are as old as you feel, don't let the number define you.

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  • noid

    The 40s are way worse than the 30s.👍🏻

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  • Jesus_Christ_official

    You're 30, you don't gotta tell them shit unless it's serious

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  • SwickDinging

    It's normal. Your parents were probably raised to think that you had to pair off and get married and have kids. This is their marker of success. The sooner you did it, the better.

    The world is totally different now. It's moved on. They're out of touch.

    Just smile and nod and change the subject.

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    • megadriver

      My mom and dad are the same...
      "When are you gonna get married, when are you gonna make us some grandchildren?"

      When I'm ready for all of this. Children require a lot of time and money. Currently I don't have enough of either to want children and thankfully, my fiancee agrees.
      We don't want to rush it and she's scared she'll get fat and ugly... Even if her mother is as skinny as a beanpole and still looks great.
      I got one more year left in Germany and I'm moving back to Bulgaria. Once everything is set up there - then I'll be ready and willing to become a father. It takes time...

      Tho I am getting married in 4 weeks, so at least that will keep my parents quiet for a bit :D
      They got married when they were 24 and sure... it took quite a bit of time and trying before they made me, my mom was 36 when I was born, but still. Times change.

      It is a funny mindset tho isn't it? My grandparents thought my dad got married a bit late. All his friends from the navy got married during the first 3 years of the academy and marriage was praised as a monumental success.

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      • SwickDinging

        Congratulations! Good luck!

        Yeah, it's just a totally different mindset. A product of their time.

        I started the marriage and kids thing before I hit 30 so I suppose I'm fairly typical in that sense, but I did it because I was ready and I really wanted to. I will never push my kids to do it. I just want them to be happy. They don't need to do things the way that I did them.

        Having children myself I would say that it is very important you don't do it just because of external pressure. Being a parent is amazing but it is very hard work and the responsibility is there all of the time for the rest of your life. No one should be entering into that without thinking it through and understanding it.

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