22 diabetes

I`m 22 years old and just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes they put me on Metformin the lowest dose ever since havent really had an appeatiate will eat once or twice a day compared to my eating all day non stop sometimes which i guess is a good thing anyone else on this have the same problem?

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Comments ( 20 )
  • justbecause11

    Diabetes isnt something that can be reversed, regardless of what these fucktards say. When you become diabetic your pancreas stops working. No amount of exercise, weight loss or change in diet will or can reverse it. All of those things are essential in treating diabetes and will lessen the symptoms, but you still need the medication. Even with the medication it can still advance.

    In addition, you need to eat. Without food, the proper food, your blood sugar will have drastic swings, both high and low, and eating the right foods will help regulate your blood sugar as well.

    I'm diabetic and have been since my late teens. I eat at least two meals a day, but I have several snacks throughout the day too.

    If you don't don't eat and do a lot of exercise your blood sugar can get dangerously low. If you eat too much and don't exercise your blood sugar can get dangerously high. Diabetes is a very dangerous and is not something to take lightly.

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    • KeeanaH

      Thank you I couldnt agree more while i know these things having the willpower is the struggle and what i obviously need to work on

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  • Ultimatebro

    This is not typically a normal thing as type 2 diabetes usually comes on later in life. Type 1 however can be aquired very early as it is caused by autoimmunity. Unless you are extremely unhealthy or your family has a lot of cases of type 2 diabetes in their history, it isn't usually a normal thing. But maybe I'm wrong. This may be a new form or cause of type 2 we're seeing here? Who knows.

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    • KeeanaH

      Well they diagonsed however you spell it with type 2 diabtes and it also runs on both sides of family are you saying thr metformin medicine isnt suppose to cut your apptieate back?

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      • Ultimatebro

        It cuts your appetite back but nothing can get rid of diabetes.

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  • charli.m

    Metformin is meant to help balance blood sugar, and one benefit is that you should subsequently have a reduced appetite. These other two idiots have a very narrow view and probably know nothing about this specific medication. I take it for PCOS, even though its main purpose is to treat diabetes.

    Diet is, obviously, important, but do not stop taking your meds on the advice of some idiots on the internet.

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    • KeeanaH

      Yeah no of course not diabetes runs in my family im only 22 thats pretty young i have heard that loosing the weight you can then get off the medication wasnt sure if it was a normal thing or not after talking to you and google side effects i now see it is other then decrease of wanting to eat evrything is fine only problem i have is high sugars my ac1 is 6.3

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      • charli.m

        Ideally, you'll get to a point where you can be off meds, yes. But that's for you and your endo to discuss. I'm sure they've also discussed with you the importance of eliminating or at least reducing the amount of sugar you consume. If you do it gradually, it will work. You don't need sodas or candies ALL the time. They're treats. I'm not necessarily saying cut them entirely (because cutting sugar in today's world is pretty close to impossible, without adhering to a strict diet), but I noticed from your comment below you don't eat regular meals as much as junk. That will keep you on meds longer, for sure.

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        • KeeanaH

          your right all about the willpower

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          • The_Loitering_Creep

            Cellular aging will shorten your life. Dude, you're fucked. Better do what charli.m suggests.

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            • KeeanaH

              I dont think just because someone has diabetes means that their fucked just means they have to pay close attention their body and what goes in to it

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  • Nickvey

    what problem?

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  • bubsy

    Your problem isn't fixed in the gym, only the kitchen. Insulin and blood sugar need to be controlled. You need to cut out sugar and cut down on carbohydrates.

    Many people don't realize this, but carbs break down into sugar. The best diet, especially for diabetes, is High-fat low-carb. Take your meds but if you stick to this diet, you won't need them for life.

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    • KeeanaH

      since being on the medication havent been eating a lot i see now is normal and less of craving for sugars but still have my normal go to sodas and sometimes candies i dont eat alot of actual meals mainly just the sugary stuff

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  • satanniggasandpopsicle

    Well I mean, you dont need to take that crap, all you gotta do is try to have self control.

    I think I might have diabetes too. But I dont care. I still eat sugar. All u gotta do is get exercise

    That really helps

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    • charli.m

      So you're an endocrinologist or have experience with endocrine disorders, now?


      Don't ever tell someone to stop taking meds. It can fuck them up if not done properly.

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      • KeeanaH

        Thats true

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