Why has flat earth become a big thing

First of, I'm not a 'flat earther' nor a 'glober'. I think this whole crap is ridiculous and why it has become a big thing. This has been a thing, a debate, for decades now and I just wonder why and how it suddenly became more popular that even politicians has to get involved and social media does everything to "make fun" of the people believing in flat Earth, I mean, just, why? No I'm not 'defending' the people that believes the earth is flat, I really don't give any flying f of what shape it is.
So...why has this thing become such a huge deal? Just asking.
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Comments ( 14 )
  • Kowhaifan

    the internet. it made smart people smarter and dumb people dumber.

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    • Somenormie

      True that.

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  • RoseIsabella

    A lot of people are morons.

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  • powertothepeople

    Because conservatives are idiots and will believe anything

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    • Sirilus

      Not really a conservative thing. Most flat earthers are people that take the bible literally and while yes those people do tend to lean towards conservative since most conservatives are in some way religious, most people who believe in the bible don't take the bible as a 100% literal interpretation. That being said there are still a lot of flat earthers that are liberal.

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      • olderdude-xx

        Not exactly true. Most people who take the bible literally know that the earth is round.

        It's the one who falls for false claims that try to use the bible to claim the earth is flat.


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        • Sirilus

          I wasn't saying most people who take the bible literally think the earth is flat, just that most people who think the earth is flat take the bible literally, often using passages from the bible to justify their beliefs.

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          • olderdude-xx

            They tend to be very selective on which passages they use; and get really upset if you show them other passages that might even imply the passages that they site might not be exactly true as they believe they mean.

            Which tells me that they don't take the bible literally; that they just use it improperly as a convenient crutch for whatever belief they want to claim.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I have a video that completely debunks flat earth. There's no other explanation it clearly shows a curve in the ocean from a high zooming camera. It's so damning a flat earthers only reaponse to me was "how do you know its not CGI?"


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    • olderdude-xx

      Better yet... Show them a picture of Columbus's sextant he used to navigate on his voyage to the far east by sailing west.

      It only functions on a round planet.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    While I'm sure it has origins outside of this, it there was a large Facebook group dedicated to a joke about the Earth being flat. Unfortunately a lot of conspiracy theorists found the group and it took off from there.

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    • olderdude-xx

      The origin of the modern "Flat Earth" concept was that the USA historians in the 1800's wished to portray Columbus as a hero.

      So they invented the story about how in Columbus's time that people were afraid that if they sailed far out to sea that they would fall over the edge of the earth.... and Columbus was a hero for not believing that.

      They fail to mention that Columbus clearly knew that the earth was round. This is evident by 2 solid facts:

      1) The navigation instruments that Columbus himself used (and every sailor for the previous 2-3000 years used) were based off of a round earth.

      2) Columbus only got funding from the Queen of Spain for his expedition to Eastern Asia (where many rare/high priced spices and silk came from) because he miscalculated the diameter of the earth by about a factor of 2. Thus he could sail to the far east a lot quicker by sailing west.

      The first currently known accurate (for its day) measurement of the diameter & circumference of earth occurred about 240 BC by Eratosthenes; by measuring the difference in shadow heights at 2 different locations north/south of each other.

      It is believed that his calculations put the earths circumference at between 25,000 - 28,500 miles, based on the best guess on how long a "stadia" was (we really don't know the exact conversion of "stadia" to the more modern Kilometer or Miles).

      Eratosthenes value for "pi: 3.14159..." was accurate to enough decimal places to have not affected the result much. It's the estimation accuracy of the length of a "stadia" which gives the uncertainty.

      The current accepted circumference of the earth is: 24,901.55 miles at the equator (the earth its actually a slightly flattened ovid).

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    Physics, face, dicks. It's physics dicks.

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  • raisinbran

    Almost (but not quite) as stupid as believing the injections will stop the virus.

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