Why do you suck?

Well, let's hear it; why do you suck?

Me? I've accomplished nothing of note. No motivation, no goals or direction. I'd like to be one of those people with goals or motivation, become a more interesting and well-rounded person, but I don't know where to start.

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Comments ( 32 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    I've become more detached to other people. Overdramatic family members are trying to villainize me for working long hours, saving money, living with my boyfriend, and avoiding my ghetto hometown. My boyfriend's family is full of people that need everything sugarcoated. Dealing with all these people is like walking on eggshells. We're both kind of sick of them.

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    • Mine are the sort of people who want everything sugarcoated, but will eventually lose their shit and start venting and trashing things until a fight breaks out. Afterwards, they want to go back to how things were and repeat the cycle. Families suck.

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        I agree. Families do suck. XD

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    • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

      When I moved my alcoholic grandma in with me to care for her she exacerbated the sciatica in my back because I had to pick her up like a baby then she peed on my new mattress and I had to change her.

      You're not wrong by avoiding them.

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        Thank you.

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  • KholatKhult

    I don’t
    I’m actually quite incredible
    And most importantly, I’m so fuckin’ hot

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    • Rocknrolla81

      Oh you are?

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  • Tommythecaty

    Having goals and motivation does not make somebody an interesting person, trust me.

    I’ve met some fairly successful people that had all the character and charm of a used tissue.

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  • noid

    I go to work and come home. Repeat

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  • Holzman_67

    Anger is a problem with me, I can lose my cool from time to time. Sometimes I run out of patience and I regret how I come across to people, it’s in the tone of my voice. I also self sabotage to a point, I always find a negative to counteract a positive and I’m hard on myself and my successes.

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  • Grunewald

    You don't know the things I've seen. An exorcism is not a DIY job.

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  • LloydAsher

    I am a sausage of pessimism with a thin wrapping of optimistic bacon. I call that appetizer being realistic.

    Yet ironically I have the most grandiose plans for the future. Worst part is I think it's possible.

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  • Grunewald

    I suck because half the time I don't know if I'm complicit with my inner 'demons', or against them.

    And because I'm self-indulgent and undisciplined to a fault, a slow mover, messy, disorganised, prone to losing and breaking things, unmethodical, not good at getting into routines, bad at time management and usually late, highly sensitive to smell and loud noises, an overthinker, prone to unhealthy obsessions with things, always tired after social interactions, prone to getting lonely or losing my sense of purpose if left alone for extended periods, and easily distracted from my work unless I can get into 'the zone', and when that happens I practically bite your head off if you disturb me. Administrative processes and paperwork make me cry, and I have little sense of direction - to the point of not quite being sure of the difference between left and right. I am emotionally so thin-skinned that most things that can mess me up, will - including my own ruminations. Except death. I've spent a long time thinking about death, and dead bodies and biological processes fascinate me. I hold it together at a funeral at least until I can hear the roar of the cremation furnace - I just lose my crap at the thought of burning bodies, even if they're already dead.

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    • damn. You ever tried Adderall? Stuff has helped me immensely in the past.

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      • Grunewald

        No, I haven't. Isn't that an ADHD medicine?

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I may not have everything going great in life but for everything I lack I make up for with denial. 💪

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  • raisinbran

    A lot of people have a low level of productivity. They might have an interest in something that could blossom into a career, but only have one or two good hours in the day. So they will never achieve anything.

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  • GaelicPotato

    Cocks too big ):

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    • Rocknrolla81


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    • Sounds terrible. Want me to kiss it and make it better?

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      • Rocknrolla81

        Kiss mine

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      • GaelicPotato


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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    I can't stop smoking weed, man! It's really the only thing holding me back but I think I'm getting better with it now. I live in California and the people who sell it are doing insane stuff to it, like taking ALL the CBD out of the weed then making the THC 30-40%! The concentrates are worse! It's actually messing up people's gut health because THC is building up too much in their body and it's not being counteracted by the CBD.

    Then you just have disabled people who are uninformed who just buy weed thinking it will help but there's none of the therapeutic part of it in there so they are in pain just REALLY high. And no one is going to listen to "risks" of marijuana because it's been so demonized for so long, so it *obviously* can't have any downsides, especially to a bunch of California stoners.

    Regardless I've cut down A LOT and the last few times I've gotten weed it was from my friend who has it growing wild in her yard. I trust that weed more than the insane lab stuff they have at the dispensary lol

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  • Somenormie

    The only thing that I suck at are conversations.

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  • karmasAbich

    I use the handicap stall when I have bad dookie days.

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  • If you don't want to hear people making sociopathic noises, you're better of unplugging for a while. I pretty much gave up all social media because of it, and was happier afterwards.

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  • profanity

    My pnus is smol and ugly.

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  • normal-rebellious

    I don't suck, I'm on holiday wanting to travel on ship. There's no such thing as you being what you think you are. I have so much knowledge and my hands are small, my nose is thin, my chin's pointy, my stomach is overstimulated with a hotdog, my coffee's in want, my sleep's waning, my fingers are thin, my thumb's fat, my hair's greasy, my life's crappy, my sleep's sweet, my brain's intelligent, my wisdom's wise, my sageness is thinking, my bladder's through the roof, I'm literally good to the point it's delusional that I'm good, as I am in real life, the fact you don't believe me only proves me right.

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    • Needs more bongos, daddy-o.

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      • normal-rebellious

        That's funny, it's hilarious.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    I'm too nice. Good for most scenarios, but really bad for those that it isn't.

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    • LloydAsher

      You got to be a ruthless bastard sometimes. Bosses will smell blood in the water if you bend over backwards enough times.

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