Why are hollywood actors over 50 dating or married to someone much younger?

Literally like 75% of them who are 50+ are with someone young enough to be their daughter or grand daughter aka 20-40 years younger. Why?

How is that not creepy that a 60 year old man is dating a 25 year old or a 80 year old is married to a 35 year old. Some even 50 dating 18 year olds. The young women obviously are only with them for the fame so it's weird. Outside of Hollywood that's not common at all.

I find it so odd it also means these men are not mature because a grown man has nothing in common with someone 20-40 years younger they're inexperienced and the age gap is massive.

Something else I noticed is millennial men in Hollywood aka under 40 are mostly dating their age group but gen x and boomers mostly just date inexperienced immature women.

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Comments ( 22 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    Why are rich people doing it? Because they can. Heck, common people would probably do the same if they had the money. Though personally, dating a frail old dude isn't my thing even if he has money. XD

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Thats why when I get 50 ill get on steroids. Ill be a ripped old dude.

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      • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

        Like 53 year old Nick Best?

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          He looks great but I wouldnt want to be that big. Also hes on more gear than id be on which gotta be damaging his heart. Ther3s a good chance he has a heart attack early.

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          • Cuntsiclestick

            Do you not like your wife or something? You've mentioned on this site multiple times how you want someone younger.

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            • 1WeirdGuy

              Lol yes I like my wife. Im just a pig I guess. But Im halfway joking on here most of the time. Im pretty happy with my relationship.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    Because most men regardless of age would rather have sex with a girl in her teens/20's then one 30 & older if given the choice and they have the money, fame & power to do it. Plus most of said women are "inexperienced & immature" like you said making them easier to convince/sway/manipulate.

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    • Yeah but sex isn't the important part of a relationship, the connection is...

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      • DarkMatter

        Their way of thinking is different
        Personally I would never do such a thing

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      • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

        Your mistake is assuming they care about relationships. They want sex & a fuck trophy they can show off, that's it.

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  • AsterBean

    75% of men over 50 in Hollywood date women 20+ years younger? Who did that study?

    And yeah, of course men under 40 aren't dating "women" 20 years younger. It's simple math. Many of those options are illegal. Not that it stops men.

    I wonder what the rate is in New York City, Mumbai, London, Sydney, Buenos Aries, Lagos, Shanghai, and Moscow.

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  • jethro

    Lots of fame and money makes up for lots of age and ugly.

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  • Anonnet

    Because they've given up trying to find anyone they trust or identify with, a side effect of being famous, and so decided to settle for young hotties, instead. There's no mental or emotional connection when the age and wage gap is that big, but no one cares about the life stories of bimbos and gigolos.

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  • bbrown95

    They call it "Hollyweird" for a reason.

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  • Rumpelforeskin

    We all know Hollywood and Silicon Valley like 'em young.

    Epstein didn't kill himself.

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  • kikilizzo

    Are you aware at all of how corrupt and full of pedos and creeps Hollywood is? Those men wants to be with someone as young as possible, that's all they care about. Just look at DiCaprio who dumps a girl as soon as she turns 25.

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  • Tommythecaty


    Grow up, people can do what they want.

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  • Tinybird

    Go fuck yourself and mind your own business it ain't up to you who wants to date who

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Because they're badasses. If something happened to my relationship I'm coming to the family runion with a 18yo and Ill slap my uncle when he starts talking shit about it 😂

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  • farkelu

    Uh, because they can? Look, many relationships are simply meeting each others needs. She needs money, prestige, power, a father figure, whatever. He needs sex with an attractive younger woman with firm boobs and a tight pu$$y. Simple.

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