What kind of drunk are you?

I have 2 drinking modes. I love everyone or I'm angry at everything.

How about yous?

Lovey 13
Mean 1
Blackout - literally cannot say which I am because I'm never there 2
Does not apply, I do not drink and never have 7
I used to be..... (for the reformed) 3
Something else 13
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Comments ( 37 )
  • CountessDouche

    I'm usually pretty chill, but this one time I got blackout drunk. I mean, i have never been so obliterated in my fucking life. It was a real horrendous moment between barfs. I made a lot of huge mistakes, like calling my grandmother and telling her I appreciate her kindness and remember picking blueberries with her as a child...I mean...gross.

    Anyways, I wake up to all these IIN notices. Apparently I thought it would be fucking hilarious to start this troll account on IIN called WeirdGuyFromTheSouth...idk what I am now. I've merely kept it up due to the laughs. I'm pretty sure I'm WeirdGuy1 at this juncture...that's WeirdGuy1-20. I have a ton of accounts.

    Anywho, I basically made this account as a joke. I wanted to make conservatives look like utter retards and basically complete human garbage, the lowest you could possibly get, so I constantly said the absolute dumbest shit I could think of and I also just constantly said ignorant, racist things and misused words to make myself look as horrible and stupid as fucking possible. I was under the impression that I would be challenged for being an utter piece of shit and intentionally sounding as retarded as I could possibly fucking manage, but instead the users Itduz (now saddlegoose) and Lloyd Asher became instant fans. They were thumbing up comments left and right. Just going crazy with words of support. It was honestly pathetic.

    I really just posted a bunch of belligerent drunk rantings including, but not limited to:

    - my wife is gay for holding my sons hand by the creek
    - my pregnant wife is a bitch for not sparring with me
    - evolution is "antidotal" and really wrong
    - black ppl
    - I found a bag of crack in the walmart parking lot. I'm gonna take it. Fyi i have a child
    - i passed my wife to my friends when she was 12
    - I have high heeled boots I wear to the bar to hit on women who aren't my wife
    - I have fentanyl in my apocalypse bunker, which my toddler has access to
    - btw I gave my toddler loaded rifles before he was 5
    - I shot his birthday balloon thinking it was black ppl
    - I also shot the TV after my pregnant wife pissed me off causing her miscarriage
    - I believe q shit
    - I think the earth is flat
    - viruses ain't real

    And more...theres so much more. I cant remember. I was incredibly intoxicated.

    His (aka MY) comments got upvoted, so I had to go with it so I could get comment chains out of all the people who agree with me, as I pretend to actually be morally bankrupt and possibly the worst and simultaneously most stupid human of all time.

    I legit act like a horrible person on here for fun after getting wasted & all you retards think hes a great guy. Now I have to go with it for my own amusement, and its horrible. I'm exhausted.

    That's what kinda drunk I am.

    HBU, OP?

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    • WhistleBain

      You're actually deranged, Douche. Like, you're way off the deep-end. I've never seen anybody on this site have such a hyper investment in it to the point of trying to ruin the name of others, lie about them, and blackmail them on this site with posts and comments they made sometimes over a decade old and it's solely because they're Right Wingers. It's actually amazing how deranged you are over Right Wingers simply existing on this site.

      Gotta make this comment because It's pretty obvious how attached your account is to mine at this point that the only reason why you're bringing up 1WeirdGuy is because he was brought up in my previous conversation with S.W, who you sent in to talk to me on your behalf (Like you will here) where he proceeded to portray 1WeirdGuy as being a child gang r*pist, which I shouldn't of believed given what this comment illustrates.
      Like, how could you list those posts and not realize the dude is a shitposter? I wish I could say you're just retarded and actually believe all of those posts are true but I've seen enough from you to know that you must know they're shitposts and that you're simply being malicious.

      Like, come on:
      - my wife is gay for holding my sons hand by the creek
      - my pregnant wife is a bitch for not sparring with me
      - black ppl
      - btw I gave my toddler loaded rifles before he was 5
      - I shot his birthday balloon thinking it was black ppl
      - viruses ain't real
      - I have high heeled boots I wear to the bar to hit on women who aren't my wife.
      *They're so blatant in their lack of subtly of being shitposts that it's amazing you would even try to portray them as genuine. Also, why are you zoning in on LloydAsher all of a sudden too? Originally it was me and 1Weird but now you seem to be adding him to the list of mentions. Wtf he do? Don't be a cunt.

      And yes, yes...Sound off about how I'm an animal torturing psychopath despite the fact the dude you send to talk on your behalf has totally denied the likelihood of those allegations being true despite having access to the same material you have which led to those allegations. Ope! Can't forget to add that I'm SaddleGoose too, because that's very important to you apparently.

      You're a loose nut in her mid-thirties obsessed with strangers online, Douche. You're actually one of the more deranged users on this site. You need to grow up like everyone else has, go outside, and touch grass.

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      • CountessDouche

        Oh I'm super invested. I'm on here like once a month or less (that's alarming), and I mention you cause I know you're still on here, not just as saddlegoose, which everyone accepts as fact...but you're on here daily, obsessively reading everything just in case someone mentions you. I know you're gonna spazz the extra fuck out and start spamming again about how it's totally fine that you posted about strangling rabbits, and remind everyone what a horrible person you are. In the words of SW (who could also be me)...keep the cheese.

        And blackmailing lol? What am I gonna gain from these people? Links to dog pornography? I just come on here for my own entertainment. You seem really upset, though. Maybe take a break?

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        • dude_Jones

          Toodle Doo, Countess. Just your old friend, dude_Jones, dropping in for a pleasantry, or two.

          Yanno, the other night I was thinking about an old frenemy who’s username I have agreed not to mention. My heart was filled with an ambivalent sense of relief and gratitude. I’m sure she is well; there’s no reason for either of us to be worried. By now, some mischievously generous male troubadour has likely pinched her on the ass to lift her spirits.

          Anywho, been enjoying your monthly exposés and warrior focused editorials for the betterment of social justice. Keep smiling. Our little bunnies need you.

          Later, sweetie.

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        • WhistleBain

          You're absolutely hyper invested. You use this site now as your personal vendetta against other users almost exclusively at this point and for nearly half a year your account has been affiliated with me for some reason. I'm obsessed for using the site as intended? Is this your go-to for a no-u on the point I raise about how invested you are on this site on the point of how you dedicated your time to researching users here for comments spanning over a decade old, have what I can only describe as a database of comments from users on here saved so you can use it against them, including their anonymous posts, and how you have private phone calls about users on the site? Do you think those are at all comparable to me simply using the site?

          Nobody is spazzing out, Countess. You're more than welcome to believe that if you need to cope or in attempts to prevent a response but we both know exactly why you refuse to share with me the source of the "bunny strangling" claims, and we both know it's due to the fact that every single allegation up until this point has been tossed to the wayside simply by you showing me which comments led you to believe such things in the first place. For as much as you hate me you know for a fact I could do it with this "bunny strangler" allegation...In fact I would hazard a guess that's why this last standing allegation hasn't come with any proof, that by sharing with us the proof it leaves the allegation open to being picked apart, which to me is no better than you lying about the situation.

          Oh yeah, blackmail, dude. You going to deny it? You openly done it to me. You haven't stopped talking about me for months but the second I came in on one of the many occasions you brought me up unprompted, you told me that if I keep doing so you'd release the comments I made in the past, the ones I then asked you to release which you refused to do.

          You come on here for your own entertainment? Well gosh, that's super duper unique, Douche...You mean like everyone else? You're such a loser, dude. Mid-thirties. I still can't get over that. Mid-thirties and you're on here being malicious to people for "entertainment" but then on the flip side you throw a fit when given but a fraction of the same treatment. Imagine being someone saying the things you have about users on this site and then having the nerve to sincerely ask me not to make fun of you and S.W's relationship, or how you started crying after sending your goons to humiliate me only for it to backfire.

          Are you actually going to try push the idea that I'm the upset one here when your side has been reduced to tears, admitted anger, comment deletion, months of obsessively having my name in your mouth as a consequence of the three, and more while lil' ol' me has done none of that? Like, have you just forgotten I was there during our feud that I'd know how tilted I've made y'all by your own admission? Calm down, dude. Your obsession with me on this site isn't out of entertainment, it's copery from the aftermath of you being a petulant child who can't handle that their self-image of being some sassy/quick-witted/super-smart internet personality was put in to question.

          Inb4 She complains about the comment length.
          Inb4+1 She complains about the comment length before sending in her "representative" who will type 3x the amount.

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    • Vvaas

      "I shot his birthday balloon thinking it was black ppl"

      that one made me laugh so much omg

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      • CountessDouche

        That legit happened lol. Stupid black ppl, always hovering around his hallways aimlessly. The threat is real, chicken nugget!!

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        • dude_Jones

          Awwww. Be brave, dear heart. The scribbled notes in the stalls of public toilets, as well as the comments at IIN really need some work.

          One other thing, sweetie. Don’t ever become a college English professor. This would be an act of abandonment of the worst kind.


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        • Vvaas


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  • Vvaas

    i mostly get really loving and happy and tell everyone how much i love them/how great they are and want to hug people though occasionally i can get depressed too

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    • Aww, I love you, Vaas. I don't know you, though... Even though you've invited me to your coop cause I text chickens, I haven't been there yet! :)

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      • Vvaas

        aw i love you too xoxo come joinnn

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  • Curiouskitten444

    In recovery now but I was a sad drunk blackout.

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  • KholatKhult

    I have a two shot buffer between Whore and Terrorist

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  • Good on you! High respect!

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  • normal-rebellious

    I chose something else in the vote, I happen to be the deep thinker, the "sober", realistic guy even though I'm almost drunk (I am this second), and the happy drunk, I feel cured of doctor's medicine, the medicine is terrible. Alcohol helps me overcome my high (I frequently get hangovers, I'm trying to overcome my drinking problem, so I drink in moderation and it still feels like an excess, I sleep at night when I'm a night owl, then I get a hangover in the morning drinking coffee because I was drunk yesterday, or probably not drunk, still a godforsaken hangover which has made my life even better because alcohol can make you turn into an idiot.

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    • You're just a Sri-lankan deep dick-thinker!

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  • Rumpelforeskin

    Jolly drunk. Getting drunk and playing Skyrim is the shit.

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  • ChrissySnow

    In my eyes, I get REALLY lovey Dovey and then fall asleep. At some point I get too hot and so I'll end up sleeping naked.

    In my friend's eyes I get really naughty and prone to naughty suggestions. Once I'm sauced, I'll pretty much do anyone or try anything. Some friends believe I have a drunken orgy fetish. I have to take their word on it as I've never had a conscious thought that way

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  • kikilizzo

    I don't think i've ever been drunk only tipsy but 2 or 3 times I might have been drunk and basically what happened was I got very happy and I talk a lot and very loudly... which is quite the contrast to me being pretty quiet and soft spoken otherwise.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    I don't like being drunk/high/not sober, it makes me angry. So probably mean drunk.

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  • LloydAsher

    I drink by myself. All I know is I'm a bother to watch a movie with when I'm drunk. I'm always piping up to talk. So pretty much a bigger annoyance than my sober self.

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  • jackstormwater

    Not gonna vote because there’s not a good selection of options. Yes you have lovey drunks. Yes you have mean/angry drunks. You also have sad drunks. You also have crazy/party drunks. You have chatty drunks. You have quiet drunks. You have dramatic drunks. You have belligerent drunks. You have sloppy/pukey drunks.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Nicer than I am sober.

    Except for the times that I am not.

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  • Ihidabody

    How does this make sense?

    You're either a drunk or you're not. That's like asking what kind of homophobe someone is.

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  • Tinybird

    I've never been drunk

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  • Youareafuckingidiot.

    Normal person drunk. I even experimented with alcohol poisoning, nothing mentally happened. Normies just have no mental control, 'omg my inhibitions are physically suppressed, let me act a fool' yeah right dawg.

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  • GuvnorsOtherWoman

    Something else. I'm Irish and can hold it.

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  • bbrown95

    I don't know, as I've never been drunk. I do have one drink every once in awhile with dinner when out with friends, but that's about it.

    I did drink more than I was used to on an empty stomach once and became "tipsy", but not full-on drunk. I just sat there thinking "Wow, this feels weird!" and then eventually, "Okay, I think I'm fine now", only to get up and feel as if the entire room was spinning around me. 🤣 Then I had an upset stomach and became really grouchy, so slept it off and then was fine. Based off of that experience, I'm not interested in trying the real thing.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      Sounds wise. Growing up in the UK where drinking culture is pushed on young people the majority of my most embarrassing memories happened whilst drunk. Apparently I once kicked my friend in the face, I don’t even remember it. Another time I (allegedly) got into a slanging match with a friend during a drinking game and yelled, “Prepare to see the dark side of the moon!” before showing them my arse. I don’t remember that one either.

      I mostly just pretend to drink these days, it’s not worth it.

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      • bbrown95

        🤣🤣🤣 Sorry, had to laugh about the "dark side of the moon"!

        I've had people try to pressure me into drinking before, but thankfully not much. Just having seen how miserable they seem while hungover was enough to keep me from drinking too much! I hate feeling sick. I also get headaches if I have more than one drink.

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        • SkullsNRoses

          I haven’t had a hangover in years and have no desire to ever again. I’m glad you got a laugh out of my mooning.

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  • megadriver

    I get more outgoing, willing to dance, etc...
    And after that the more I drink, the sleepier I get. Until it's lights out and I fall asleep.

    Haven't drank 'till I fall asleep since I graduated university.\
    Best keep it that way too, doubt my liver enjoys this XD

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  • kelili

    I do not remember the last time I was drunk. I do not drink that much now.
    I can be the funny drunk, the pain in the ass drunk and the fighting drunk. It really depends. But most often I was funny and of good company. All these were years ago.

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  • Somenormie

    When I drink a lot of alcohol I don't feel drunk I feel exactly the same

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I drink only every few months because it gives me a headache. But I think I'm a pretty normal drunk. But thats only because I want to lay down and not talk because my head hurts. So I hardly ever try to drink.

    When I was younger I didnt have this issue it made me want to get into fights and try to talk to girls. Whiskey is the only alcohol that seemed to give me energy. I remember feeling like it raised my testosterone.

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  • Would you care to elaborate and tell us more? I'd appreciate it.

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