Thoughts on aged alcohol

Megadriver here, Happy new year! Best wishes! You've heard me go on about how Chivas Regal 21 is the greatest thing you could ever drink, but now sitting home, drinking one last glass before going to bed and flying back to Germany tomorrow... I can't help but wonder about all that has happened since said whiskey was made.

It was made in the year 2000 and so much has happened since then. 9/11, economic crisis of 2008, war on terror, a new space race, huge advancements in computing, the retirement of the Space shuttle program, my dream cars weren't even made when this batch of whiskey was made, coronavirus, family hardships, me finishing university, meeting my girlfriend, parents retiring, making new friends, getting married and so much more.

That bottle of whiskey is like a portal back in time! Back to the year 2000, I was a kid back then! And now I'm drinking said whiskey. It's not just whiskey, I have 12 (store bought) and 33 year old (made by my grandpa) rakia too and it's a huge difference compared to regular rakia made recently.

Does anyone else get this while drinking aged alcohol and pontificate about it's history and the time that has gone by?

Or have I just had enough whiskey for the night and I'm talking nonsense...

Aged alcohol contains history and is interesting. 4
You've had too much to drink and you're talking nonsense. 3
Overpriced garbage. 1
I don't care what I drink as long as it gets the job done. 2
It's nice. 0
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Comments ( 25 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i like my whiskey how i like my women

    12 years old and mixed up with coke

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    • CountessDouche

      Serious weird guy from the south moment hahahaha.

      You're talking like you took a nibble off something from the sidewalk, buddy. You ok?

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    • 1WeirdGuy


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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        ill be here all week

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        • LloydAsher


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    • Tinybird

      brave man who speaketh the truth

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    • Billy247newaccount_35467829

      That's fucked up lol.😂

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  • Meatballsandwich

    Meh, alcohol is overrated.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Congratulations, your post is one of the posts of all time.

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  • CountessDouche

    To me the taste of whiskey is a portal to barfing in an alley in chicago when I was like 15 (the pure age where chugging liquor is something you tell your friends to impress them instead of something you hide from your manager at applebees. Ah youth!) after a punk concert at the fireside bowl. It literally tastes like barell aged kid barf & I've tried the fancy schmancy kind. Funny how memories work.

    Side note: MEGA I MISSED YOU GETTING MARRIED (girl noises)!!! Congratulations!

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    • megadriver

      Thanks! I'm married and I have a job, I'm an adult!!!
      How are things on your end? Did you move to Australia?

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      • CountessDouche

        I'm engaged and have a job & I reject adulthood completely.

        Aww thanks for asking. My permanent Visa was granted & I'll be back in about 6 I better shave my yeti pandemic legs!!

        I'm so happy for you guys, sincerely. It's always good to see people who work hard find happiness. Just try not to trip and fall on her delicate ass when you've had one too many whiskey and salami trays lol.


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    • Boojum

      One bit of fatherly advice I've passed on to my early-teen daughter is that the first time she decides to get drunk, she should insist on either peppermint schnapps and crème de menthe.

      That way, she'll end up with minty-fresh breath after she pukes.

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      • CountessDouche

        Yeah but you don't want her to stop brushing her teeth cause it triggers her gag reflex and various cringe lord drunken tween moments, man. There's no winning with teenaged projectile vomiting, but I'm sure she'll appreciate your sense of humor about it.

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  • Somenormie

    Aged alcohol sounds interesting, I'm gonna look it up even more.

    I'm always interested in learning lots of things.

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    As far as I know, whiskey doesn't age in the bottle. It has to age in a cask. And it's a bunch of hype because there's not much difference in the ageing because it just picks yp the flavor of the wood. Now wine is a different story.

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  • malaparte

    I like to drink cheap shit, but I certainly don't mind aged spirits or wines. I've drank Chivas Regal before, but I don't think it was as old as the one you've drank - the most I've ever paid for a bottle of scotch was this bottle of Macallan's I bought for about 100 bucks a year ago. I actually found a 100 dollar bill inside a book I bought from a library sale for like, 1.00 dollar. I then went to the nearest liquor store and got a bottle of macallans with it.

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  • olderdude-xx

    While most of it is very overpriced; some of it is not and actually has a unique flavor.

    It's like paintings or photographs.

    Most of them are not art; but a select few of them are real art with value that greatly exceeds common pictures (up to a million times more).

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  • Meowypowers

    That is beautiful, I am more of a red wine drinker and often think about the lives that were lived on the vineyard when I drink an old wine. Love this!

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  • LloydAsher

    Not an alcohol connoisseur so it's wasted on this extremely unrefined palate.

    Though I think it's all posh BS to talk up wines like a 50 year old one would be distinguishable a 20 year old one from taste alone and it not being just a completely different wine.

    That and where the wine was made. I dont think the normal human palate can guess where in the world would a specific barrel type be found to produce a specific type of wine.

    As long as I dont go blind and it tastes good those are the only requirements.

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    • CountessDouche

      Omfg I have an elderly aunt & we went on a wine tour in napa valley. We got super dressed up. She got mf slammed out of her gourd. So I told her, we're just gonna ad lib here. We're gonna say random things to the wine snob people.

      It started normal. "It tastes like aged oak with a hint of wild berries" & the wine tards always agreed, and I kept telling her the whole wine tasting thing was so made up, but she kept swallowing the wine instead of spitting. And i just kept egging her on. It got so great "I taste a bouquet of elderberry flowers." HARD AGREE (do those even exist). "Summertime grassclippings from my childhood at the lake cottage" (side eye).

      It just devolved until she said one tasted like her losing her virginity and everyone high fives her like she was a mf legend lol.

      Proof wine palletes are BS

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      • Boojum

        Brilliant story.

        It would have been even better if she'd accepted the adulation for her exquisite palate with a gracious (although probably slightly wonky) smile, looked thoughtful for a moment, and then said, "I mean my oral virginity, of course."

        And, yeah, elderberry flowers are a thing. I find their scent sickly-sweet, but there are those who enjoy elderberry flower cordial.

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      • LloydAsher

        Elderberry flowers do exist. They are mildly fragrant. Exactly the type of random shit someone would add to a wine to "distinguish from the competition"

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        • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

          everyone told me my father smelt of them

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    • megadriver

      Yes and no... while the average drinker can distinguish between a German and French wine for example, only experts who've tasted many wines can tell more subtle differences and even they can get it wrong.

      But it's not complete bs. For example: German wines are acidic. French wines have a heavy taste to them, American wines are fruity and more balanced and almost always with a hint of sweetness. South African ones have a distinct smoky taste.
      Bulgarian wines are heavy wines, similar to French ones, but with LOTS of flavor.

      Naturally I can't tell the difference between a wine from one side of California and another wine from somewhere else in the US. But I can probably work out if it's American.

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