People say when you fall to your death in dreams...

I've heard people say that if you fall to your death in dreams, you die while you sleep. That's not true. I've had countless of dreams where I fall from a high building or from the second level of a shopping mall and died, and yet i'm still alive. so the myth that you die in your sleep because of a dream is absolutely bonkers to me.

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Comments ( 9 )

    That's a myth. Dreams always exaggerate. Falling can mean a perceived decline in one's life status or the end of a life phase like a marriage.

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  • bbrown95

    It's just a wives' tale. I don't recall falling in any of my dreams (though I have difficulty remembering many of my dreams anymore), but I remember being electrocuted and dying in one when I was a kid, and I used to have a recurring dream in which I was hit by a car. Obviously, I woke up and was fine.

    I've felt a falling sensation just as I was entering a deep sleep, and I hate that! It usually feels like a really bad slip, like I'm riding a horse that violently spooked sideways and I didn't move with him, etc. Enough to jolt me awake! I used to get another sensation as a kid like I was jumping on a trampoline and loved that one, though.

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    • Yaidin

      I think what you're describing is called a sleep twitch

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  • olderdude-xx

    I've even fallen off of buildings an not died.

    Don't know that I'd want to do it now that I'm decades older though...

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    • Ihidabody

      You are such an attention seeker.

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  • megadriver

    That's nonsense. I've fallen off a building in a dream and I've even crashed while flying a spaceship (don't ask, too long to explain).

    I "died" in my dream, everything turned black and some time later I'm awaken by my alarm clock and remember the dream.

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  • kikilizzo

    I always wake up right before I hit the ground during such dreams.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I got shot in dream, and it was no big deal.

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  • Ihidabody


    I can confirm that this isn't a myth. I died in my sleep after having a dream I fell off a building.

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