Might get in fight with coworker

Okay, So my coworker banned me from one of the stores entirely cuase I was suppose to bring him food. They never give me money so I stopped buying them food. They had a fit over this and threw me out. However since I work at the other location sometimes I go to this location since I have cover or hand over keys but now I can not. What should I do if this scenario happens and we get into a brawl?

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Comments ( 11 )
  • kelili

    This is happening at the workplace and the proper way to handle this is to report it to HR and address your concerns there.
    This is the only proper way to handle this. And make sure to report about the incident in writing and to keep a copy.

    PS: I've read your other post related to this too

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    • bbrown95


      It's not worth going to jail over, so don't engage in any physical altercations with anyone unless you have to defend yourself.

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    • I called HR and they are a third party network and said they can report the incident but not advise me on how to move forward. Which doesn't even help this. So I called police to make a report and they said "that's a problem for your company's HR".

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  • have_a_good_day

    mothafucka. grow a pair, git a glock, shoot dat nigga ass bitch in da face.

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    • Read title. I said it likely gonna end like that.

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    So did you fight?

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    You either report this shit to HR or you quit the job. Those are two of the best ways to end this. A brawl is pointless.

    Though if it were one of my family members, they'd be thoroughly documenting these incidents and consulting a lawyer to see if any legal action can be pursued. A small business will usually settle out of court when it comes to workplace harassment since they usually don't have a huge team of lawyers like the big corporations do. XD

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    • HR is worthless

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  • I mean I would like to but I dont want go to prison.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Is he management? If he's not management he can't technically ban you from anywhere. If he is management talk to someone in HR, and or go over his head, and talk to his manager. Also, it's totally okay to look some piece of shit moocher square in the face, then lie, and say you're broke. I really hate people who ask for money, and never pay you back.

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    • He can technically. Since we work in shifts and whoever is working the store at that point is in charge of the store. The problem is they told me to leave in means of extroverting sex, favors, money from me. I generally will ask people to leave if they are cuasing a hazard or being a distraction.

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