Is it normal to agree and side with putin? or support russian politics?

I’m not saying I 100% agree with What he does or anything. I’m just saying I do have an interest in how Russian Politics work and how people get elected and voted in? What if Putin somehow were to be removed or couldn’t serve anymore? Is this normal to always gloss over Politics in Russia? 🇷🇺

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22% Normal
Based on 18 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 21 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    I dont side with Putin but I notice the hypocrisy of the media on all sides in the west. Remember the media said "theres no evidence Gorbachev was told Nato wouldnt move even an inch to the east" now that actual documents came out to prove that they never retracted it. This was very much poking the bear. And then the west has totally changed their stance on Ukraines Nazi problem. Now the Nazi symbols theyre wearing have suddenly become only "pegan symbols" even tho most known nazi symbols are pegan symbols. I trust Putin about the same as western politicians and media. Which is 0. They always want to get you emotionally invested so then they can push some bs war. "Ohhh think about the children. We must now kill Sadam/Ghadaffi/Assad/Putin. If you arent being manipulated into supporting this youre a bigot."

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    • LloydAsher

      I agree about the corruption but when ukraine wins this war they are gonna build back better and probably shed its corruption. Since those same corrupt bastards are signing on with russia.

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  • Meatballsandwich

    Vladolf Putler

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  • Vvaas

    Смерть Америки!!!!

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    • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

      Ay ya fackin cunt I live there.

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      • Vvaas

        i'll get you out first xoxo

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        • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet


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      Иди к черту, тупой фашист!

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    • KholatKhult

      УРАААААААА 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺

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      • megadriver

        Подай водку товарищ и напьемся как свиньи!
        Во славу славы!

        I still don't support the war and think Putin is a psychopath, but any invitation for celebrations, or drinking - I'm game!

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        • KholatKhult

          Believe me my friend we are tired of war, it has exhausted my people for far too long.
          We are a sturdy type however, and the time of cold beer, hot suns, and wildflowers, is coming in

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          • dude_Jones

            Yes. Kholat. It seems to me that the Ukraine could have built a fast 4 lane freeway down to Crimea for Russian commerce. Then guys like you could get there for fast for the weekend, 2 for 1 vodkas and good entertainment.

            In Western Europe countries cooperate by doing stuff like this all the time. US/Canada are always finding cost efficient improvements for better economic integration.

            AND, a road like this would have cost much less than all the shot up military equipment and damaged buildings.

            I think diplomacy is always the answer. I know I am not alone when I say, Wars are dumb. (Of course, all countries need some level of military capability to make diplomatic settlements a mutually beneficial alternative.)

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  • Tinybird

    idgaf about politics

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  • KholatKhult

    If the Russian President passes in office or loses ability to remain in power they are to be replaced by the Prime Minister, currently this is Mikhail Mishustin.
    Per Russian constitution, Mishustin would hold office for up to 90 days until a new President is elected to take office.

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    • LloydAsher

      Is it democratic to have a president who regularly throws his opposition in prison?

      Or arrest people for holding up simple signs of "no war"

      Russia seems to be drifting back to its soviet days. Problem is that they no longer hold the power the soviet union once had.

      Either way russia don goofed on hindering nato expansion. Finland and sweden arent joining nato because they think Russia wont attack them like Ukraine.

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      • KholatKhult

        No. Putin is not democratic, he is right-wing.
        His opposition to the demonstration of his peoples is not in leftist-alliance.
        I will tell you though that the “mass arrests and incarcerations” of demonstrators is anti-Russian propaganda. These people are often just asked a question and then allowed to go back to protesting.

        NATO is a fascist imperialistic expansionary program for the West. They’ve funded coup after coup on third world nations that were attempting to unionize oppressed workers. And throw massive support behind Zionistic Israeli occupancy conquests, as well as the Saudis.

        You should notice - the people you have seen protesting Putin over the years for his aggression towards other leadership runners - are almost always Communist party members (2nd largest political party in Russia) flying the hammer and sickle.
        They will be our champions of Russia.

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        • LloydAsher

          Champions sure. Dead champions. Communism has NEVER worked well for anyone besides the rich. Just gulags and making vodka in the bathtub for the rest of the people.

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          • KholatKhult

            It’s horrifying how factually and historically inaccurate people can be. You live in a false reality, I don’t even know where to start to help you

            Edit - Actually if you have discord I can give you resources. My user is Kholat#1911

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            • LloydAsher

              No thanks I perfer the reality I cultivated myself. You are entitled to your unnervingly irrational position on modern russia and how it conflicts with objective reality. Everyone has flaws and russia especially isnt in a position to be throwing stones at those it sees corrupt.

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