Is it normal to think coworkers are a waste of time?

Not trying to be negative but coworkers are a waste of time. Why do people think coworkers are friends? They're not! So many fakes and they'll snitch on you every chance they get.I do understand however that we must communicate to get the job done.But in no way do I consider coworkers friends. What do you think?

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83% Normal
Based on 6 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    Very normal. They're just there to make money.

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  • Grunewald

    Everyone can be harmful to you, given the right situation/environment. Protect yourself adequately in every situation, as the situation requires. Not every kind of relationship is the same. Co-workers may not make good 'bffs' but they can be nice enough without being actual friends.

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  • HannibleSmith

    i try to be understanding to my coworkers but they piss me off to hell and back

    one is always asking me questions and complaining about how i do things all day and just really NEVER STFU its like having a barking dog and a crying baby in the room at the same time as trying to talk to the IRS agent on the phone

    the other seems to think I have to do my job and his job at the same time then wile I'm doing that drags out all the tools making a mess and losing parts to repairs

    im the only one who knows how anything is done but my hands are tied by incompetence's for the 9 hr im at work

    humm IDK how this turned into my problems but i feel better

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  • bbrown95

    It probably depends on your workplace and what the environment is like there.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Oh they're never friends, every coworker I ever had backstabbed me

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    • normal-rebellious

      My coworkers to me were my friends, I love every one of them, I even take a boss as a person loving you, of course they do, why else are you getting all his or her or their attention?

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    if youre workin in a warehouse or somethin then yeah id agree

    if your life depends on your coworker doin their job right and vice versa then you learn to get along and work to keep morale good

    i see it as parta my job to get along and maintain good rapport with people i might not associate with otherwise

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    • normal-rebellious

      Don't you see the pressures of work is to just be enslaved to make money? Since it's not a moral thing it's not about whether it's good or evil, nor is it about being a worker vs a coworker, most people prefer teamwork, I prefer to work alone, investments isn't far out of reach.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Some of my best friends are coworkers. Often times fighting with your friends brings you together more. Youll fight with your coworkers.

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    You know what there's girl I've been getting to know at work and definitely getting a crush. Willing to take that risk

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  • girlinadarkcorner

    They're just like anyone else you meet. Not everyone you work with is necessarily going to be a snitch or fake. I'ts fine to not like all or any of your co workers, like you said you just have to at the very least tolerate them long enough to get the job done.

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  • normal-rebellious

    The mainstream doesn't think coworkers are a waste of time. They in your words dob you in, snitch you. I understand your day at work, when I went to work once the coworkers suspected I wasn't doing my work, but it turns out I'm positive in the workplace even though no love being involved you should do your work and mind your own business, it turns out jealous coworkers who receive honest feedback from you can't handle your eating of lunch and tea when you're a vulnerable guy to whom people will exploit you, you can't trust them.

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