Is it normal to lose interest when someone comes out as trans?

I like feminine men who shave and enjoy crossdressing, but I don't like transwomen very much. They could be identical in terms of appearance, and I'd go from " :) " to " :( " if the person came out as a transwoman. Otherwise, I am straight.

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81% Normal
Based on 36 votes (29 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • KholatKhult

    I recognize the difference between gender and sex, sex being biological and gender being a social construct, I understand that. That being said I fucking hate the concept of gender.

    I also believe there are individuals who are “true transsexuals” with serious body dysmorphia, “transtrenders”, and a mix of people in between. But truthfully, I don’t care about the difference.
    I do not care if someone born biologically male wants to go by she/her, be feminine, and live a “woman’s life” (whatever the hell that means), I genuinely believe these people aren’t doing any harm. I don’t care how “serious” they take it, or how far they go surgically, I don’t care. I will behave like a kind person in polite society, that’s my role, my role isn’t to vet these people.

    I don’t want gender to be something children have to conform to. You can’t tell a child “only boys can go fishing and only girls can do dance” and act surprised when young boys and girls become frustrated over these fake rules. I believe there may be some portion of transgendered individuals who are products of blatant sexist rhetoric.

    Also, children and teenagers will go through a dozen different phases. I don’t think it’s the end of the world if a child wants to go by a different name and dress like a goth for a week before deciding “meh, not my thing”.
    I have a daughter and I raise my nephew, and we have plans for more children, if you read on child development and read on parenting they will repeat that you don’t need to stress over these small phases, and you shouldn’t explode over it. My nephew thought he was a dragon for an hour yesterday, I didn’t go get wings surgically put on him.

    I think, in some cases, transgenderism is a bandaid solution to a deeper problem of social sexist bullshit. I don’t want children to have to worry about that. But that means being actively anti-sexism, if all someone cares about is shitting on transgenders but want nothing to do with tackling sexism I don’t care what they have to say.

    I am far more afraid of the increased risk of bullying, isolation, suicide, drug abuse, homelessness, and other aggressions put on transgendered people than I am of whatever you’re talking about

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    • Anonnet

      You're basically talking about traditional gender roles. I don't think they're inherently sexist by default, only certain ones and when taken to extremes. I'm also not sure they're related to transgenderism in most cases.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    It's 100 percent normal to have a preference. There's nothing wrong with loving feminine men but not transgender women. XD

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  • LloydAsher

    I dont find severe mental illness attractive, romantically or friend wise.

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    • ospry

      I've never understood why a diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria suddenly became regarded as some kind of a hate crime against trans people. Mental illnesses are nothing to be ashamed of, so for trans people to be so outraged by the diagnosis actually shows how little they respect people with mental illness

      Imagine if we treated all mental illness the way we treat Gender Dysphoria. Imagine if someone suffered from paranoid schizophrenia and thought the government was tracking them. Would the best course of action be to pretend as if their delusions are real and encourage them to embrace the fantasy that their life is in danger from an invisible threat?

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      • KholatKhult

        But here’s the thing mate - is it our place, as the uninformed public, to take it upon ourselves to “treat” transgendered people by coming up with such aggressive stances and be so outwardly negative/opposing of them ?

        If we are to believe that Gender Dysphoria is a true blue mental illness, it is better left treated by professionals, as would be paranoid schizophrenia. Strangers have absolutely no business trying to “reason” or “confront” Par. Schiz.s on their dealings or copings with their illness. Untrained opinions or even purposely hurtful comments would only be harmful.

        In Russia, the government considers still Transexuality (our medical/legal definition of transgender people) to be a medical mental illness. Because of this, we have in place an attitude of protections, programs to “treat”, and even in rare instances financial support, for Transgendered people. Treatment, as per medical/psychological professional opinion, is often through transitional therapy if that is what is deemed to be what would help an individual.
        The public attitude of pity due to it being defined as an illness might feel demeaning, but I think it has some positive protections in its own rights.

        Anyway, my point is, it is not our place to judge, attempt to change, or bully/discriminate, against transgendered people. It is a situation to be dealt with by professionals and the individual. Transphobia helps literally no one, it is only mean-spirited and divisive. Lloyd doesn’t care.

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      • LloydAsher

        The reason why it's a mental illness rather than a physical issue is that by their own logic I am trans just by being born with an extra X chromosome. That's highly offensive to me and other people in the intersex community that was cooped by transgenders.

        The worst part is that I'm 100% sure that the groomers and pedophiles in the trans community legitimately dont think they are fucked up, and are just going along with their hedonistic habits, as fucking everything is about it in the LGBTQ community.

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  • KholatKhult

    That’s great Kholat, thanks for putting it into words Kholat, I think the same Kholat ! Unanimous ! Go team !

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  • Anonnet

    Honestly, same. Not entirely sure why, could be mental associations.

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    Thats not how it works man. You can't abd don't just wake up like yes being yrans sounds fun lets completely turn our lives upside down, open ourselves to bullying, rape and murder, harassment extra bills and a more difficult time to find a mate while simultaneously losing friends and family.

    You don't just wake up and decide you want that.

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  • KholatKhult

    As long as we are putting on more boobs than we are taking off I don’t care

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    • litelander8

      Interesting way to phrase that.

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      • KholatKhult

        We all Ally in different ways

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  • Youareafuckingidiot.

    Well yeah, it’s like someone coming out as a narcissist, cutter, schizophrenic etc. relationships are a social performance in which you want assets not liabilities

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    I'm with you it's because you're straight lol

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    Yea exactly it fucking sucks trans trenders and the like can go fuck themselves. Lgbt as a whole us going iver board. So many I know butch about trans people to me. And I'm just like bruh

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