Is it normal that i only hire good looking people?

It's my first time being a manager of a food place and I try to hire only people that have a good appearance. I just think nobody wants to eat where the employees look like slobs. My girlfriend says I'm descriminating.

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38% Normal
Based on 13 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • darefu

    If it can be proved you could get into a lawsuit or fired. However it could be hard to prove, unless you have written down somewhere what you think is attractive. If that leads you to avoid hiring across racial, age, or other boundaries that's obvious then someone above you or HR is going to notice.

    All that said, I think it's human nature to give a preference to people that fit the interviewer's definition of attractive.

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  • bbrown95

    Are you talking about people who present themselves well, as in a neat and clean appearance (as opposed to appearing dirty or unkempt), or people who have good physical features, which can't be controlled? I think it's both natural and reasonable to want to hire clean, presentable people over those who are not (especially if these people are going to be handling food), but if it's based off of physical qualities that are out of a person's control and have no effect on their performance or professionalism, that's another story and is very unfair.

    Agreed with the others that if it can be proven you hire based off of physical attractiveness, you could possibly open yourself up to a lawsuit.

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    • Clean, yes but also not obese. A little overweight maybe but I think that really fat people are lazy.

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  • walterhartwellwhite

    ugly people create bad business. i myself, a self proclaimed sexy man bring all the ladies to the dairy queen. they will pay lots of extra money because i am so sexy. very good looking. handsome. beautiful.

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  • kelili

    If they have the qualifications then why not? It has been proven that people who look pretty are more likely to be employed than someone of average look. qualifications being equal. There was a documentary on that, done in France. Most employees find the prettiest candidate more outgoing, ambitious etc.. And people are more likely to remember pretty people and employers are people.

    It's nothing unusual that you are doing, the only difference is you're admitting it here. Well, not actually admitting as you are anonymous.

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  • TheAmateurStrongmanCompetitor

    I understand your reason why but in today's world you are discriminating. Let me tell you something while we're at it saving them money will not make you look good, making them more money will make you look good. I don't know what's your goal but what's good looking to you might not be good looking to someone else.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Not normal. You're just opening yourself up to a lawsuit.

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    • Somenormie

      And opening themselves to get fired too.

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    • How? Who’s gonna prove that they didn’t get hired cause they were ugly?

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      • SkullsNRoses

        It depends how you’re defining “ugly” Abercrombie and Fitch got into trouble in the early 2000s for racial discrimination against people of colour who didn’t meet their Eurocentric beauty standards.

        If people have already made the decision to enter your restaurant I doubt they are going to care much about how pretty the staff are. I would prioritise if candidates are fast learners, can follow instructions and will get on with the rest of the team.

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        • Fair point. I mean real overweight not just a few pounds and a rude look dirty hair and no smile is a biggie.

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