I want to tell my the guy i love how i feel

I have been in love with a guy for the last year and a half. We worked together and spoke for quite a while and got along really well and were close friends. The last time I saw him was 7 months ago when he left for another job and haven't seen him again since.

I started speaking to him again two months ago. I was missing him and I just was thinking of him, wanted to check in. It went really well. We kept the conversation going for those two months and I then decided to ask him if he wanted to catch up. He read the message and that is where the conversation ended.

I am gutted and do have my own thoughts about why he probably didn't respond, it could just be a multitude of different things. The thing is, I have the biggest crush on this guy. really liked him back then but I couldn't bring myself to tell him. It's getting to the point where I'm struggling to keep it to myself and I have no one else to tell or even ask about it. It probably isn't the best idea, but should I tell him how I feel and just get it out, or should I just forget about it all and try to move on?

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Comments ( 6 )
  • blushed_beautyyyy

    I would tell him because if you're in love with this guy he deserves to know how you feel about him. Next time you see him walk up to him confidentally, ask to speak to him in private if people are around, say "I honestly have no clue how you feel about me but I'm in love with you", and hope for the best. Good luck tho and have a nice day :)

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  • Tinybird

    no you weirdo wtf is wrong with you??? You're the weirdest freak ever omggggg this is soooo weird and abnormal, even too weird for this website

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    • Tinybird

      Unless it flies over your head, I'm being sarcastic.

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  • spotato

    Regret hurts more than rejection. Playing it "safe" only hurts your possibility

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  • RoseIsabella

    Good luck with that. What you've described sounds agonizing.

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  • notmyrealname123

    depends on how you look. are you pretty? what color is ur hair?

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