I take ibuprofen 2 pills twice a day for 2 years? worried

How does your body tell you to stop Ibuprofen?

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Comments ( 16 )
  • litelander8

    You need to stop for your livers sake. Look up natural remedies and stop taking drugs.

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    • capman

      I found an excellent remedy, daily exercising the pain away.)

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  • jrbsportz

    Get liver blood test? unless you drink alot of water to keep flushing your liveries not maybe need to cut back to 1 day?just saying

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  • Ibuprofen is non addictive and you can just stop. But ur arthritis pain may come back.

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    • RoseIsabella

      What do think of using cannabis for arthritis pain?

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      • idk anything about weed. Never done it before.

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        • RoseIsabella

          I love good cannabis.

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      • capman

        Tried it, not as real as hydrocodone.

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  • Sanara

    Its even written on the package (if I remember right) it can give serious liver damage if used regularly for longer periods, you need to stop. Look up liver failure on google and you see the symptoms. If you genuinely feel perfectly healthy (none of these symptoms) maybe you are the rare exception where that turned out fine

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    If you're in pain get prescription medication or take natural supplements to help don't do this you're going to get incredibly sick :(

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  • mafioso

    It's addiction and it's not healthy...

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    • capman

      I have arthritis hip pain. pills only way to stop the pain????

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      • Pilum

        My dad has eaten them like candy for years for the same reason. I hate to think how many he takes, but it's alot.

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  • Its not good to take painkillers everyday though some people has to if they have chronic pain so it can't be completely dangerous. It can be bad for organs like the liver though and it can be bad for your stomach if you have a sensitive stomach, like me if I take a painkiller on an empty stomach it can feel not so great afterwards. You could always ask a doctor and have them check whatever might be necessary to see how it may have affected you. And i'd advice you not to take painkillers that often unless you absolutely have to.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    In addition to what the other comment says, chest pain and limb pain on the left side of your body is a good way to know if you should stop taking NSAIDs.

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      You beat me to it. But to the OP, this^^

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