I dont like my therapist

I go to therapy at the habilition for neurodivergent people because I have autism/ aspergers syndrome.

Throughout our sessions my therapist first of all cancels every other week because shes sick constantly due to being old. Secondly she has some very offensive things to say. She finds it fascinating that I want to work and that I am depressed due to being unemployed and the employment agency not fighting harder to help and that i've felt the pandemic has taken years from my life because according to her autistic people want to sit inside everyday and do nothing. That has never been my impression from having friends on the autism spectrum and being active in forums. Almost everyone wants to have a daily activity of some kind and those who doesn't have one are usually very depressed and has no family or anything that can help them with how to get out there. She once told me I come off too normal since I can sit and have a conversation without banging my head into the wall. During our last session she told me social phobia is common with autistic people because I look normal but a lot of other autistic people look like shit so they feel embarrassed in public.
I did not know how to respond to that but you can imagine that if she meets an autistic person with higher support needs who maybe struggles with hygiene she is for sure judging them thinking that they look like shit.
I would've requested a new therapist had it not been because I hate starting over with someone new, but luckily she is retiring soon.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    I only liked one of my therapists (was forced to go to them all until I turned 18) he was the only one that didn't pretend to know me more than I knew myself. I threw a snow globe at one (got in a little legal trouble with that) all the others I fucked with by pretending to be someone else (usually characters I read in books) then revealing to them on the last day I was taking them for a ride the whole time.

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    • bbrown95

      I can't stand the ones who believe they know their patients more than they know themselves, either (that's how I got on the meds as a minor that really negatively affected me for several years; they told me I was anxious and depressed, I told them I didn't feel that way, and they had the audacity to basically tell me I wasn't intelligent enough to recognize my own feelings 🤬). It's patronizing and insulting, and causes them to make poor decisions regarding their clients when they don't even listen to them.

      I had one insult me and call me "bitchy" as well as ask if I was on my period when I became frustrated that she wasn't listening to me one day (when I had some very concerning issues going on at the time and she was essentially accusing me of being a drama queen), and I got pissed and told her to go to hell, slammed the door as I walked out, and heard a bunch of her shit fall off of the shelf. 🤣

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  • Tommythecaty

    I feel you’re creatively editorialising you’re stories a bit, or have poor recollection of the conversations. But if half of that is true then your therapist appears to know very little about working with people who have autism. Shockingly, the autistic people who bang their own heads into the wall don’t tend to be as “literate” as you are. So I’m not sure how out yo lunch your therapist is but she certainly sounds useless.

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  • girlinadarkcorner

    You need to find a new therapist. As much as it might suck to have to get to know another therapist and start over, this one is clearly not going to do any good for you.

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  • Meowypowers

    Find a new therapist

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety


    But therapists aren't shit anyways.

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