During my grandpas funeral, i felt very disguested

I thought about how my mom is the only person who has a job out of her brothers and sisters. Her brothers(my uncle's) don't work or have been addicted to drugs or alcohol for years. During the funeral I was asked about my brothers. Just to be honest I believe my brother made their own choices and it's wrong to blame me or my parents for all 3 of my brothers who are in prison. Someone even bothered me and mentioned my family is so perfect but I don't talk about my brother's or dad. I asked the same question back I said please me about your family?

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Comments ( 3 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    Sorry about your grandpa. My grandma is about to go too. Her mind has already left us. It is what it is. Just learn from your families mistakes.

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    • Sorry for your loss too

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  • ospry

    People should be careful when make overgeneralized statements about another's family, whether what they have to say is positive or negative. Talking about your imperfect family as if it was a point of jealousy obviously struck a nerve. It also made them look like a jackass who doesn't know what they're talking about. It's normal to be bothered by that

    By the way, that was a really good reaction from you. It wasn't rude, you didn't reveal any uncomfortable information, and it changed the topic.

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