Are narcissists normally delusional?

Are people with NPD the delusional or not?

If they are why?

Yes 13
No 1
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Comments ( 9 )
  • LloydAsher

    Usually they hold themselves to a higher esteem than they actually are. So yes its delusional in that context.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Not all of them are the same.
    From what Ive noticed its more about a lack of empathy. Often times they can notice what they're doing is off but they dont care. If it doesnt effect them directly it doesnt matter to them.

    My neighbor growing up was one I think. He actually cared about his family but he didnt understand why anyone would care about other ppl. He considered ppl caring as being pussies. He would go through someones pockets as they slept even tho they've been really good to them and if you tried to talk them out of it theyd get mad and say u were such a pussy. You'd try to explain why its wrong and theyd just roll their eyes like you are being girly or something by caring.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Oh they could be smart and obvious. Intelligence and being conscientious, including socially, were found to have almost no correlation.

    You can act very put together and be a total moron vs highly intelligent while behaving impulsive and odd, or vice versa.

    What people are mistaking for smarts is a form of cunning that’s innate in personality types that have predatory kinds of tendencies. Not a thing overly reliant on any intellectual prowess, it’s just instinct they developed.

    Learning how to fool people face to face requires very little intelligence.

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  • Wow3986


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  • Holzman_67

    I think solipsism in general is delusional

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  • kikilizzo

    Nope, like whats already been said they are clever. However they are sort of delusional at the same time since they do not have a "normal" worldview and view of themselves.

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  • litelander8

    No. They’re very smart. May try to make you feel delusional.

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    • Tommythecaty

      Uh some are are smart, plenty of them are incredibly stupid in all areas.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Aww thank you

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